Cover Art via USB

Hi, can I pick your brains. I also have a Muso & QB both gen 2. I have found that I can connect a USB drive to the Mus-So and share the music between the two, however when I browse my library using the Naim app I don’t get any cover art with the music view as I previously did with the core. Can anyone offer any thoughts on this.

If you change the title to reflect the question, you may get more applicable answers.


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The musos don’t have a upnp server on board, so I believe it’s the case that you won’t get the album art etc. A way round this is to load the music on a NAS, with upnp server software such as Asset. You’ll then get full functionality.

If you were to keep the Atom and connect the USB drive to it you would be able to see the files in the Server input on Atom and Muso, with metadata including artwork.
The Musos cannot do this. If you have a NAS or computer on your network you would be able to run a UPnP server on that and the Musos would be able to access your music files through it.

The question is : how formulate differently the title. The OP asks how make to share the Muso and QB, and how to see the cover albums with a hard drive into the Muso.

I’ve changed the thread title to make it relevant to the question. I’ve also made an edit to remove the irrelevant part of the opening post - please respect and abide by forum rules, thanks.

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Apologies, and thanks. I mix of two posts hastily condensed into one. Appreciate the feedback and solutions offered :+1: