Crackle on right channel

Just discovered tonight a strange crackle coming from right channel on sn2.
No music playing but coming from HDD selector to which my non naim DAC and PSU are connected . Not happening on other selectors . I’ve turned off sn2 and its PSU and turned off the DAC and it’s PSU until I can figure out why it’s happening all of a sudden. Any one any ideas as to what this could be ?
Thank you

Can you try a different unit on the same input? Just wondering whether it’s some issue with your DAC’s output.

I could try , will wait till tomorrow and try my other older dac . I switched everything off as a precaution. I will disconnect all power leads and din cables etc and reconnect just in case one is faulty.

Found the culprit , the dac is faulty , had only a month , no sound from it at all lights up but that’s it . Amp and speakers are fine . Thanks for your help :+1:t3:

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Good to hear you found the source of the problem.

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