Cyrus CDi-xr CD player

Thanks, Nick. Much appreciated !

Have you had the chance to use the Rega in DAC mode? Would be interested to see how it compares to a current Naim streamerā€¦

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I shall give it a whirl over the next few days and report back.


I keep reading many enthusiastic reports about the Saturn MK3. Interesting that Rega insists on a combined CD / DAC device, just as Naim insists on combined streamer(pre)amps.

Rega could have easily made two devices in their half-width cases (like the Aria case for the DAC and the Apollo case for the CD transport). Just as Naim could create its much-requested shoeboxes per function in either CB Nait 50 guise or in the NVC TT case.

This thread made me look at the Cyrus line-up. They still do separate shoeboxes, but Rega and Naim donā€™t. So I have to guess the reason is these two companies have done their market research and have decided members of this group here are the only ones in the world interested in such devicesā€¦

(an even more off-topic observation: On the classic integrated amp front Rega and Naim seem to be in direct competition. Even though the Elicit and Elex have dacs included and the Naim amps donā€™t, they do line up in price and thus in reviews. So the Aethos vs. the Supernait 3, the Elicit MK5 vs. the Nait XS3 and the Elex MK4 vs. the Nait 5Si. Perhaps the reason these Naim amps are still there in the new line-up.
No alternatives on the Naim side above and below that and apart from phone stages no further comparable products between the two companies at all. With both the Uniti and New Classic series generally being pretty unique. An interesting audio landscape)


I had the Rega Saturn 1 and 2. Both stopped initializing CDs. The dealer was great about replacing the machine. By the time the unit failed again, it was beyond warranty. Another problem for us even when it worked, was the LCD display. Orange display with orange lettering proved difficult for us. That was not Regaā€™s fault, but convinced us not to do an out of warranty repair. When we got our first Naim system we moved to the CD5si as that was the only player offered. I am very satisfied with the Naim CDP.

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Hmmmm :thinking:
Been watching the Cyrus line for a while now :+1:
If our CD5 XS ever fails **, thinking the CDt - XR CD transport - partnered with our nDAC - might be the next option for us.

Many Naim forum members still have a considerable CD collection and wish to continue enjoying them. A modest investment in the right combination of boxes can produce excellent SQ. Actually, the format is pretty good.

** Note : Recent Naim forum feedback suggest the mech will eventually fail and Naim will not be able to repair or replace, etc. Iā€™m dreading the day :grimacing: Like so many other have observed, it forces Naim CDP users to reluctantly consider the alternatives available. (Or otherwise pursue an ā€œexit strategyā€ from CDā€™s )

Back on topic, nice to read others are still enjoying CDā€™s too. The Rega Saturn is a decent player, (with a decent DAC too ). The Cyrus line is also highly regarded. Personally, I also like the shoe box size and simple styling.

Good luck


Iā€™m in a similar position @ratrat running a CD5 XS into an Ndac with an XPS 2 which all sounds pretty marvellous to me and I am dreading the day the CDP dies and becomes a very expensive door stop, I have quite a large CD collection and like the physical format with no wish to be forced into the streaming / data storage option and as Naim seem to have abandoned the CD option in any meaningful way I will be forced to look elsewhere.
The Cyrus CDT XR would have been my transport of choice initially but Iā€™m leaning more towards the Heed Thesis Delta which although a bit more expensive has a substantial draw loading mechanism as apposition to the slot on the Cyrus and has a coaxial BNC connection for itā€™s digital out which would enable me to retain my Naim DC1 cable which currently links the CD5 to the Ndac.
Hopefully my CD5 XS will keep up the good work for some time to come and you never know in the meantime Naim might just go and produce a dedicated CD transport for all us die hard CD enthusiasts.


Same here I have extensive cd collection and no intention of selling up and the dreaded streaming route. I enjoy browsing my collection and listening to cds reading the liners notes. I can vouch for the cyrus CDt-Xr :wink: regarding service and backup the servo sled etc are made by SMS Nottingham, cyrus only buy in the loader


Yes, Iā€™ve seen that in users systems, System Pics, etc. Another good shoe box option. The other one that sometimes appears is the Bel Canto e.One CD3T cd transport.

All three seem to sell at about the same price point.

Perhaps Heed could OEM these to Naim, it looks ready for a Nait 50 shoebox case! :slight_smile:

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I was looking at the Cyrus CDT-XR to upgrade my Roksan Caspian CD M2 which I use in ā€œtransportā€ mode. However, Iā€™ve read many professional reviews on Cyrus CD Players and Transports and everybody complains that the slot loading mechanism regularly refuses to accept discs and needs retrying to get the discs to load properly. I would find this far too frustrating so have rejected the CDT-XR now.
One of my local HiFi Shops has a sale on the Moon 260DT, so Iā€™ve ordered one of those after reading very positive professional reviews on it. It also has an AES/EBU connection that I can use with my Lumin P1 Streamer/Dac which then allows me to run an optical cable from my TV direct to the P1 rather than via my AV Amp and itā€™s analogue Pre-Outs to the P1 to optimise the sound whilst streaming Tidal Music Concerts and Videos, so the whole system benefits from an upgrade now.

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Since our recent exchange, been thinking and readingā€¦

Came across a really interesting and thought provoking recent review of the Heed CD transport, by Paul Rigby.

@Richard.Dane are we allowed to post links to product reviews ?
In the meantime, use search terms Paul Rigby - Heed Thesis Delta CD Transport - The Audiophile Man - Review.
Hopefully, that should find it. It was written 16th Sept 2022.

Anyway, interesting read.
Amongst other things, Mr Rigby also references the AudioLab 6000 CDT.

So, now the Heed is on my radar. But so too is the AudioLab.
Read the review to see what I meanā€¦

Best wishes

Look at the 9000 as well. Mine is performing beautifully! Iā€™m sending it through my NDX2.

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You can post links to reviews authorised by Naim - that usually means Naim reviews by accredited publications, but not reviews to other brands - too open to abuse by agents acting for other companies wanting to use the Naim forum as a platform to promote their products.

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Thanks for clarifying
Okay, Iā€™ll leave that previous post as it isā€¦

Merry Christmas @Richard.Dane

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Okay. Thatā€™s interesting too.
Did you consider other alternatives?

Just chattingā€¦
I think the issue (for some of us), maybe with an nDAC or other decent external DAC, whether the 6000 or even 9000 is maybe equivalent to CD5 XS (used as transport), or do we need to look higher. Such as the Heed or others.

Kind regards

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I know Mr Rigby holds the AudioLab 6000 CDT in very high esteem stating that it can hold its own when feeding Dacs up to 3K which is pretty amazing for a unit that costs about Ā£350 so I suppose on that basis alone the 9000 CDT at about 1K must also be worth a look.
Iā€™ll have a look at the review you mention, I suppose even if Naim donā€™t want to provide any options on the CD transport front all us die hard CD enthusiasts will have to look elsewhere and as can be seen from the various comments options do exist at various price points from a number of well regarded companies once our Naim CDPā€™s go to the HiFi graveyard.


I did, and looking at ā€œbang for buckā€ it felt like a good bet. I was seriously considering the Cyrus range until I came across the reliability issues.

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I considered the Rega Saturn and the Cyrus units when I was looking for a CD transport/player. I originally though that going with Naim would be a no-brainer However, in my opinion, Focal/Naim are transitioning away from CD playback so their CD players/transports havenā€™t been subject to much development recently and there is a risk that they may not be serviceable in the long run. The Cyrus gets good reviews (at least in the UK press) but I much prefer a tray or top loading device. The Rega Saturn does sound very good in my experience and that may have been my choice if I wanted a fully functioning CD player. I did audition the Audiolab 6000CDT and 9000CDT transports. The 6000CDT is quite an amazing bargain and doesnā€™t give much up to the 9000DT or any sub-$1k transport. The 9000CDT does sound somewhat better and has a more robust CD drive and more solid casework which I liked. Whether that is worth the extra $1k is something one would have to decide on based on how much you use CD playback. Like others here I have accumulated a very large CD and vinyl collection over the past 40 years so CD playback is important to me. I also find that, at the moment, CDs are the least expensive way of growing my collection if I buy ā€œpre-ownedā€ and pay careful attention to any shipping costs. However digital downloads, such as through Qobuz, are becoming increasingly competitive especially for limited edition albums and obscure imports.


I hear you on price. Itā€™s ā€œonlyā€ about $700 difference in the UK. To me the difference in the build quality, drawer as opposed to slot, and SQ was worth it at our price difference.

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