DAC and Phono Option with minimum boxes

Thanks Richard, I thought I was losing it. So in @CraigD ‘s case the socket on the ND5XS is wobbly whereas that on the SN3 is fixed. That ties to the fact that my now departed NAT05 had wobbly sockets. Presumably the wire connection obviates the need for wobbly sockets, which makes complete sense.


I checked at least 3 times X) Glad we got there though, and neat explanation, thanks both

Unfortunately, Naim have deemed my NDX5 to be faulty and will also need be returned…

Good grief, was something definitely inappropriately loose? And is it a ND5 XS2 you bought, not the NDX2?

And also, very bad luck - in my limited experience Naim kit is totally reliable!

Something must have been noticeably loose in the video that I sent - it did look too loose for just vibration isolation to me.
I’m afraid I’ve lost confidence over this incident.

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