Dan_M's factory visit

As most of you are no doubt aware, we’ve been working on arranging a Naim factory visit for member Dan_M, who has been dealing with some difficult health issues lately, and the good news is that it looks like it’s happening on the 11th July.

We have a few places open for anybody else who would like to join Dan for this visit

Naim’s only proviso is that they would like to prioritise members who either have never been to the factory before, or not been for many years.

It’s usually from around 10.30/11am until mid afternoon. You’ll need to be able to make your own way to and from the factory, which is in Southampton Road in Salisbury Wilts. There will be a factory tour, hopefully a light lunch in the canteen, and a listen in the dem room before heading home.

Obviously places are extremely limited so please only say you’ll come if you can definitely do so, and to be fair it’s “first come, first served” so please let me know as soon as possible by flagging the opening post of Dan’s thread and then messaging me.

Thanks, Richard