dCS Rossini apex- black or silver color/ dCS discussion

Hi dCS owners here , I had placed order today and am deciding on what color should I get for the Rossini , a present from my beloved spouse . any input guys ? Many thanks :pray:t2::grin:

Err… the one that matches your existing dCS kit?


Currently am having bartok apex in black , and the oncoming rosinni has pattern on the front panel , I love black but taking into account the black will shadow the curve prints , and silver will show the prints more … headache :sweat_smile:

I get black for bartok because my NC 300 are all black , so it kind of blend in… as the bartok has no curve prints on it, so black is perfect , but Rossini has prints and curve . Very tough decision on colors actually

Price: $32,800. dCS-installed Apex upgrade: $9000.

It’s a hard life


My Rossini Apex is black, chosen purely to match the rest of my set-up. It’s a great piece of kit.


Yes Max… it’s very expensive . And took me a few months thinking bout the upgrade . Came faster than I thought. :sweat_smile:

Ah now I can see how it looks like under normal lighting… at least the prints and curve are obvious . Yes it’s great kit hence the upgrade for me .

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Very nice present! :blush:
Are you going to connect it to 332 or directly to 350s?


Thankyou … To 332 … it works very well w 332 .

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Oh ya … your c1 is scary !!! I was demoing the D3 SC, w the c1 . My god it was so loud and so punchy that shocked me hell !!! And it doesn’t blur the sound image … the room was like 10 m by 8 m in a !!! Scary the C1 can get to that loud w huge bass. Very good speaker :clap:t2:

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Cool, you tried it directly to 350s maybe? Some say Rossini preamp is reference class, I haven’t yet had a chance to try one but it is on my todo list. :slight_smile:

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Thanks! I adore my C1s :grin:

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I will do so when delivery arrived… who knows lol!! And yes do give the rosinni a try… the bartok already hell of a kit… and Rossini is godly … my bartok is barely 10 over months old …and yet this pass 10 over months my heart is on Rossini :sweat_smile: the enjoyment is I climb from basic . To get the feel of dCS … the improvement what Rossini will have on my kits is so exciting


This is the room I was telling you about - huge room but c1 fills it up adequately without stress . Scary


Wow that’s a vavaldi clock you have there ! Awesome !.. yes that’s my next add one after I run in my Rossini :grin: have you enquire on the new varese clock , can be hook up to rossini / vavaldi ?

I like silver best as like you say it looks nicer with the front panel markings.
But if the rest of your kit is black, and you are not thinking about changing it. Then i would go black.
Whatever enjoy it
Plus looking forward to the new upgrades next year that will take it to an even higher performance.

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I know the feeling and I’m excited for you! :blush:
Let us know how it sounds when you run it in, I’m sure it’ll sound brutal.

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They sure don’t mind power and they use it very well. :blush:
I first heard my pair in a much smaller room, but was extremely impressed by the sound and presentation. I also love how when they demo them, they think about everything, mains filters and network switches and decouplers. A whole AGD package :slightly_smiling_face:

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I wish your wife was my wife.