Dear Record Labels

I do, I prefer the sound of vinyl over CD, so therefore the sound of vinyl is superior to CD to my ears.

If you prefer a different media for your preferred listening then that is fine, I am not criticising your choice.

It really is a struggle for some to get their heads round the fact that vinyl can be the preferred choice of listening for some people.

And I find it interesting that you rarely get vinyl loving folk bashing those who prefer CD’s or streaming, we seem to content to let others get on and listen to their music how they want, I wonder why that cannot be reciprocated.

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You’re all wrong. Cassettes roolz, obviously! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

(It’s OK, I can find my own way out).



Fully agrre with your post bar this bit. Across a range of forums the exact opposote appears to be true. Just look on here snd seatch up threads started on thewonders pf vinyl. It’s an eye opener to say the least. Some serious performance anxiety going on amongst middle aged men.

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