Delay configuration in Naim and Roon Multiroom

One of the features I like about Roon is grouping devices to allow multiroom playback. However I need to set a 700ms playback delay (!) for the second device in the zone due the processing time needed by the Mscaler / TT2 in the main setup.
If I were to use an Atom for another room with the aim of being able to use Naim multiroom as an alternative to Roon, could I set a delay for it in the same way as Roon allows ?

In case anyone else needs to try this. I borrowed a Muso and had a go. The answer is no, you can’t set the delay

I’ve often streamed from my NDX2 to an Atom and Muso in all parts of the house and it’s never been an issue. I use to hear the music travelling up down the stairs with no delay. One of the things I love about Naims multiplay setup. Seamless.

Yup, works great if I don’t have the Mscaler and TT2 in the chain. But I do. I’m tied in to using Roon here I guess

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