Deleting imported file from Uniticore

I initially created WAV files from my vinyl collection and imported these files into my UnitiCore
As one import has many errors I am trying to delete this import without any success
I have accessed UnitiCore via Mac and get the following message

Permissions are unlocked and are Read/Write but I still can’t delete
Can you help please?

It might be the files in the folder have different permissions. Try this on the folder…

I dont use a Mac, so not sure if its the same.

On a windows PC it is possible to view the Core music files though different shares, if i access to files through the “All Music” folder, then everything is read only.

If i want to manually copy files onto the core, edited them and delete them i need to do it via a different file share called “downloads” that only contains the files that i have copied across (no core ripped files), the downloads share has full read/write/delete access.

Thanks, but when I try to follow your instructions “Get Info” is greyed out

I got a little further, but the “apply to all items” is greyed out

Is there a padlock at the bottom?

As this album is located in your Music/MQ folder, the Core will have locked it. The way you are supposed to delete albums in the Music/MQ folder is to select “Delete Album” in the Naim app.

But that doesn’t work if the album has been imported (not ripped via Core) or restored from back-up as shown below. There is no option to delete…

Yes and I unlocked it

Hopefully you can follow steps 2 and 3 now.

Followed steps 2 & 3 and tried to delete and got this message

That’s right, but an import into the Core doesn’t normally put stuff in the Music/MQ folder unless the Core thinks it’s a Naim server rip, in which case you can delete it using the app. But apparently there is more to it than that.

I had the same message a while ago and as far as I can remember I was able to clear the offending files by deleting them one by one via Finder on my MacBook - the locking/unlocking option wasn’t helpful. However the problem was in the Downloads folder.

The example was a previous Naim rip that had been restored, but no option to delete in the app. Is it because it was restored to a new disk?

Sorry, that’s all I know. You may have to do them one by one as @CliveB suggested.

No it’s not to do with being restored to a new disc. I have loads of Unitiserve rips that were imported into my Core, backed up and that back up restored to a new SSD in my Core and I can still edit the metadata and delete them using the app if I want.