Deleting imports from core (again)

My son imported some albums from a usb stick. Did a single one and there was no issue. Then he did a collection and they all amalgamated into a single album of 93 tracks.

Trying to delete it. From what I’ve read I guess I have to go in via PC and delete it there, however when I attempt this all I get showing for the core is a black page.

Any hints?


PS tagging @davidhendon who keeps being mentioned as the resident expert on these things

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More details…

If I go in on my PC at a Network level I get to this

Any attempt to access further opens a black page in a browser.

However if I come in from This PC I can get to this

Selecting all music goes here

and Albums here

Which contains all the ripped CDs and the uploaded from USB files (e.g. Unknown - Utsu-P was transferred from USB). All read only.

Can’t seem to get to Downloads on the Core from PC.


use “map network drive” to map a drive letter to \\core-ip-address\downloads

then just open the drive - in my case x:

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Sorted. Many thanks.


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