Determining streaming format when feeds are embeded

Hello everyone.

I find adding new stations to my Ndx2 Internet radio service problematic. Particularly - determining the stream format and other specifications when I want to add stations from services such as IHeart Radio, c-Span and the like. We also have a major radio network which uses Rova for its streaming services. How can I find out what the vital statistics are of specific stations and add them to my “added stations” list with a good chance of success?

Thanks in advance.


Sounds like one for @Stevesky to advise when back in the office possibly?

Sounds a bit technical!


It’s up to the radio station to make a URL available for you to add to vTuner. There seems to be little or no consistency in how different stations do this, but it’s really up to them to make the streams, along with any information about formats etc. accessible. Better still, encourage them to make their streams available through vTuner as the majority of stations do.

@Stevesky seems to have adopted a hands on approach to this, actively encouraging stations to provide URLs and use higher quality streams, often including lossless. Naim also have a long standing cooperation with Radio Paradise. He can likely help with any station you are having trouble with, and in some cases may even be able to make them available within the Naim app so that you don’t have to save them manually.

Hi @Vaughan

Most of the stations you will need are already in the VTuner database. They can be hard to find sometimes, so let me know the stations and I’ll aim you in the direction of where they are in the VTuner directory.

Regarding a few others mentioned:
iHeart network - all stations are AAC 48kbit, unless its an independent listing on iHeart.

Rova - I feel a New Zealand vibe coming on. VTuner doesn’t cover this network well, but if you have the better quality ‘Digital HD’ streams then they are AAC 192kbit.

Best regards

Steve Harris
Software Director
Naim Audio Ltd.

This is hugely helpful and reassuring.

I haven’t checked links but here goes:

Stations that I want to add are - 1xx (often known as Radio Bay Of Plenty) and Bay Rock. These are iHeart.

There is also senz. This is a terrestrial broadcaster and an app. The app is Sen - for Sports and Entertainment Network, and the “Z” is added for New Zealand.

I have also been experimenting with

I do have access to many of the Rova hd streams, so going to have a look.

If this isn’t enough to go on, please say so and i’ll be more detailed.



Hi @Vaughan,

1xx is HLS 32kbit. Its not in the vtuner directory, but if you want to manually add it the URL is:

On BayRock that is HLS 128kbit. Again not on VTuner yet, but URL is:

SENZ - That isn’t on VTuner for licencing reasons. HLS 64kbit.



Perfect - thank you. Setting these up later today.

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