Development of the first DD Turntable

Short program on why and how the first DD turntable was developed.

Appears the pitch control wasn’t a simply a gimmick (as some claim), but a necessity.


I believe that London’s Capital Radio used to have their studios equipped with a Technics SP10 direct drive turntable, a specially-built 12 inch Linn Ittok tonearm and one of Julian Vereker’s very earliest Naim power amplifiers - was it designated the NAB300? I recall that it had ‘grab handles’, and was designed to fit into an equipment rack.

NAB signified “Naim Audio Broadcast”, as I recall.

I wonder if Capital are still using that equipment - assuming that they still use vinyl records at all.

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A very interesting video.

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I have a Sony 4750 direct drive turntable in a box in the loft.

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Thanks for sharing this. I’m running a Technics SP10 MKII now, with an SME arm much like the BBC section at 14 mins in.

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Nice deck.

I’m seriously thinking of buying a Technics DD myself.
The SL1200gr are now available at discounted price since the gr2 was released last year.
I’m already contemplating the possibility of fitting a Manticore Musician. :blush:


The big different with the GR2 over the GR is the power supply. But if you aren’t afraid to mod a deck and can solder two simple points, both Timestep and MCrU make external power supplies for the deck.

So picking up a cheap GR and adding the after market power supply (note, the Timestep is semi sanctioned by Technics) might be the most cost effective and high performing option.

My GR, without any mod, a modest cartridge, and a Stageline, is one of the finest sources I’ve ever used.


I have used a Technics SP1510 from late 70s, having sold my rega P2; I needed better speed control, the P2 was unsatisfactory with some piano or string music.
Yet, the SP1510’s tonearm had issues with a Goldring e3 that had tracked impeccably on the RB220… DD is the right choice if perfect pitch is a priority.
My current Thorens TD145 spins properly, though.

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I’ve noticed the G has auto torque control, high and low torque control, but the GR only has high and low torque control. Auto starts at high torque then reduces it once it gets going, rather like the later Lingo’s do.

Have you noticed a difference between high and low? I’d expect a belt driven synchronous turntable to sound more dynamic at high torque, smoother with more detail at low torque.

I wish you hadn’t mentioned upgrading the power supply, my heads full of crazy ideas on upgrading, and I haven’t even bought one yet. :nerd_face:

I’ve not adjusted the torque. My dealer said this, like pitch sliders, is really only if your setting up the deck for DJ use… which I’m not.

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