DIN-RCA Hi-line issues

A good Naim dealer should (IMO) be able to do that.

But… the result is no longer a Naim HiLine… :neutral_face:

It was clear - just my stupidity. Having only ever owned a 5pin-5pin Hi-line I simply didn’t realise they came in 4 pin variants. Looking at other options as the selling dealer is in the EU and shipping back is a bit costly!

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So long as it works…

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You would need to ask them. The DIN might be possible (or not), but not the WBT Next-Gens. However, it would likely be quite expensive (a fair bit of skilled labour involved) probably makes more economical sense to change it for the correct Hi-Line.


In your position, I would look at selling the lead ‘as is’.

Maybe a Naim HiLine is not for you…? Perhaps either stick with what you have - or look at alternatives…?

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And anyway, it’s designed as Din to RCA, and you want to use it the other way round. Changing both plugs and then using the wire back to front just doesn’t make sense. I’d either return it, or sell it if return is not possible. Then start again, with a lead designed for the purpose intended. Maybe sticking with the Chord RCA is the best course of action. It’s a good cable.

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Thanks Richard, Ian and HH,
All good points. Yes, I have put an [IC] on a sales site and if that shows nothing I can bite the bullet and return it. The chord shawline is fine and I can think about options later.

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I have done ‘DIY’ conversions of cables - including conversion from 4 pin to 5 pin DIN, but - maintaining the correct directional - and using exactly the same make & design of DIN plug.

However, this was with a Chord Cobra lead - far cheaper than a Naim HiLine… :open_mouth:

I doubt you’ll achieve the asking price but there is no harm in trying. When I had a NDX2 and SN3 I bought a brand new din to din Hiline for £299. You’re likely to recoup more by returning it and paying the postage. Anyway, there’s no harm in trying, and looking on the bright side you now have a greater knowledge of Hiline variants.

I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself, if you were being! I impulse bought a SNAIC 4 last week, to go with a new to me NAC42/NAP110. The original grey SNAIC 4 uses Deltron plugs, the black SNAIC 4 uses Preh. I was going to see about swapping Preh for Deltron, as the black Preh SNAIC 4 doesn’t lock with the Deltron socket. I’m ok being careful, but would just prefer to use the locking socket. Turns out I think Naim would still supply a SNAIC 4 with Deltron sockets if I asked. So now I have a SNAIC 4 I likely have to sell on once I can order and receive a Deltron terminated version.

Not sure if that makes you feel any better!? :smiley:

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Reworking a SNAIC-4 is not that tricky. A 4 pin DIN has its pins further apart… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Plus if I am not wrong it can’t be used the other way round as the source side has a resistor built in.

OK, posting the 4DIN-RCA back today.
There don’t seem to be any used or reduced RCA to 5 Pin DIN hiline around. Just DIN to RCA.
Not really planning on getting a new one just yet, but if I did I would probably look hard at alternatives.
Chord Sarum T and Vertere Redline come to mind, others? ???
I have a Chord shawline RCA-RCA at present.

I plan a cartridge upgrade to a Vertere Dark Sabre next year but want to optimise the rest of the chain first.

Correct decision, IMO… :expressionless:

Feeding back the outcome here (as a courtesy to those who responded).
A used Vertere Redline 5 pin DIN-RCA came up used and I installed it.
It’s simply amazing. Very very neutral, soundstage, instrument timing and separation improved, greater but not boomy depth of bass (quite noticeable). Really perfect in my system.

Well Done, You…!!!

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