Disappearing albums

If you maintain a list of favourited albums/tracks on Tidal, have a browse. You may see some greyed out.

My son is the main Tidal user. He’s about 300 albums and I’ve 38 last time I looked as it’s stuff not on Qobuz. Multiple playlists between us. 1 thing greyed out since December 2020.

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Happens often to me on Qobuz. I normally find out when asking Roon to stream an album, the album is there but all the tracks are unplayable. Mostly Roon has one or more other versions of the album and I need to update my favourites. Not too difficult but nonetheless annoying.

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It’s pretty rare that albums disappear permanently, the vast majority of the time it is a case of deleting the “dead” album from your library, then adding the current “living” album back into your library.


thats not true. album i owned was disappeared. I was looking for it from an other account because i have bought it still had a copy.

So i don’t give them money anymore. Mostly i use Bandcamp for things I really enjoy. Bit also other online stores and ofc other means as well.

… just imagine paying until you die or maybe beyond just to have an impermanent collection of tracks and albums that could disappear at any moment. and when you decide to stop giving them money you lose 30 years of playlists and organization.

I have only ever had 2 albums disappear:

First a pre-release copy of the Beatles’ Abbey Road, bearing the working title Get Back, (without outer sleeve, to house which I had cut off half the gatefold sleeve of Traffic’s Last Exit), lent to a boy at school who didn’t return it.

Second was Wishbone Ash’s Wishbone Four, lent to the bass player of my then local band Rococo and not returned by the last time I saw them. (He is better known through his subsequent position as Status Quo’s bassist.)

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Great band - the mystery as to who has your copy of Wishbone Four thickens.

Here is the wiki link for Rococo entry has the bass player as - * John Edwards - bass guitar

Appears he was a US senator - click on his name.

Ha ha! Try this: John Edwards (musician)

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