Discriminatory practice by Ch4

Channel 4 Register process is designed in such a way as to be discriminatory against dyslexics and dyspraxics and contrary to accepted accessibility guidelines.
It actively prevents user credentials from being pasted into one of the entry field. Precisely because I am dyslexic, I use a password manager to ensure consistency and security, and this specifically prevents me form doing this.

For an organisation that promotes its public ownership and accountability, this policy of indirect discrimination is disgusting.


Sorry to hear this. Have you approached Channel 4 for comment?

Yes, but they’ve not had time to respond, and I don’t hold out much hope for anything other than a rewording of “it’s done that way to avoid mistakes” type of platitude.

I copy and paste email and passwords other than my highest security ones, precisely to avoid error!

This wouldn’t be the first website I’ve come across doing that , but I hadn’t recognised as discriminatory, just a nuisance probably in the misguided interests if security. Whenever I come across this in future I’ll put in a complaint of discrimination citing your case as if it were me.

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Being dyslexic I tend to make a LOT of mistakes when I type it in… and then have to go back and retype from the beginning because they clear the entire field preventing editing what you just typed…

Being dyslexic I tend to make a LOT of mistakes when I type it in… and then have to go back and retype from the beginning because they clear the entire field preventing editing what you just typed…

And so on!


I would question why you even want to access the utter rubbish on that channel


The Handmaid’s Tale.


Works for me using Chrome’s built in password manager.

Maybe, but Chrome’s built in password manager is insecure!

No password manager is secure and all represent some form of compromise.

Fantastic series. :+1:

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I never got past the 1st episode, as with far too many modern series they often descend into rather unpleasant territory. I’m not squeamish but certain styles just don;t resonate with me. I know it’s popular, maybe one to revisit.

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I made it further and I’m not given over to offense or squeamishness to any level of sex or violence.

But the content seems uncomfortably close to a world I can see forming well within the boundary of what is possible in my lifetime. It gave me the chills and I couldn’t go beyond season 1. It was possibly just too on the nose.

@Xanthe I sympathise greatly. In my line of work I see no end of policies and design decisions made in the name of security by people that have absolutely no understanding of the topic at all. And it seems that you have fallen foul of amateur/misguided interface design.

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That’s exactly the point of the book.
Fertility in America is already decreasing (although not to the extent in the book) and this decrease is continuing.
The real point is that every policy Giliad has towards women has already been applied at some recent time at some place in America (even if only by a small subset of American society). What Margaret Atwood did was to bring these policies together to show what happens if the repressive policies America has to women are all brought together at the same time and in the same place.

It’s supposed to make you feel disturbed and horrified, and, truth be told, frightened by the attitude of some factions in society (most notably in western society) and factions in American society in particular.


It always seems to be women that lose out when men are around making rules.


I think you just made @Martinzero’s point for him.

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cf Iran and its theocratic despotism.


Those men who seek power, seek to control others. By ensuring that they preserve the patriarchy they maximise that control, if that control is threatened, particularly by women, men resort to aggression and violence as they have a physical advantage over women.

This is currently being particularly well illustrated in Iran.

Quote from Isaac Asimov [Salvor Hardin in the Foundation Series]:
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”


I disagree, particularly when it’s viewed in the light of both its socio-political context and the current socio-political context.

It’s more relevant now than it was at any time before 2017.

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Not really a problem of fertility but of falling birthrates. This is is happening all over the world (Africa and parts of the Islamic and Catholic worlds excepted), even in China and India.

Birthrates fall for two reasons:-

  1. women having more choice and control over their bodies, usually as a result of better education.
  2. urbanisation – 56% of the global population now lives in cities. In rural/agricultural societies, having lots of children is a good thing; they provide labour for the family farm and in rural societies without welfare structures children look after their parents. But in urbanised societies – and even America is a predominantly urban country – large families are a burden. Space is at a premium in cities and they are more expensive to live in that the countryside.

The corollary is these two factors mean that couples start families later in life, thus they have fewer children.

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