Do I need a preamp?

The Etude has no preamp, it’s a power amp that can be driven by unbalanced (single ended) or balanced preamp of whatever type.
You might be thinking of the Prima which physically matches the Etude. The Ultima range is the next range up.

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As @Simon-in-Suffolk says the Etude has no preamp function


Simon, did you mean the Prima which is part of the Choral range, and according to Chord is “designed to complement” the Étude, whatever that means.

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Yes. Corrected the post. I think I prefer numbers :sunglasses:


In the end, an Etude is just an exercise (literally!)

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Digital volume control built in DACs offers sound transparency and purity, but it lacks the dynamics and depth provided by a preamp that is well-matched with a power amp of the same make.

It’s great if a certain approach works for one individual. However, imposing it on others as the best method is tantamount to disregarding their unique experiences.

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I don’t think one should conflate digital volume control with preamps… they are two quite separate things… although most preamps have a variable gain control, a digital volume control on a DAC adjusts tye digital signal before conversion. Although if all one is doing is adjusting the relative loudness they can affect similar outcomes. But I agree with your assertion of the benefit of a preamp stage matching the input of a poweramp, irrespective of how loudness control is achieved.

I for many years used the digital volume control of certain DACs to optimise the signal output from the DACs to match the preamp input to suit taste. Some DACs have very good digital volume/output level controls, some less so. I believe for example Naim don’t recommend their implementation in some of their streamers for best SQ, it was included so I understand to meet the licensing requirements from Apple. On the other hand the digital volume control on the Chord DAVE is transparent due to its specific design and implementation. (Transparent to me is no change in audio signal quality… so dynamics and subtleties are retained, obviously our hearing and loudspeakers tend to shift their performance slightly based on sound pressure.)

It’s also :

« a musical work that has been created; “the composition is written in four movements”
From Wiki. Etude is a french meaning for study but also in classical music.


Indeed and in particular a musical study… Chopin’s Études for piano are particularly impressive and enjoyable… I am somewhat of a Chopin fan.


The etude in c is great (can’t remember the number). When I was younger I could play that one more or less, I should ‘study’ it again!

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you are showing off now :grinning:

So I looked it up - Études Op. 10
No. 1. C major
No. 4. C# minor
No. 12. C minor

One of those?

Ive looked it up. It was the Opus 10, nr 1. It is less difficult than it sounds. I’m not a true pianist though (organist). compared to some of my pianist friends it sounded unpianistic.

Maybe a good one to study again, I’m quite sure that I can do it better now.

Ah, and also nocturne 13 in c minor.

Who is doing that? People who have found it works for them (with the DAC(s), pre(s) and power amp(s) they tried, have provided the information for the benefit of those who might never have thought of trying for themselves, but there is nothing imposing in doing that. If it works for someone reading the experiences it can be wonderful, as, if they don’t have any analogue sources they can save the cost of the pre, which with higher end kit could be substantial - even enough to buy an even better DAC, or other kit. And it is, after all, quite a simple thing to try for oneself, so I would have thought the information would be well received by most, and even for those that don’t want to even try, there is nothing negative about reading others experiences.

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What you mentioned were not the points I objected to.

So, to what do you object? You mentioned “imposing it on others” - who has done that? I have only read people saying things along the lines I described.

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Imposing one’s righteousness is something I don’t appreciate; however, the focus should be on respecting each individual’s experience. Do you have a problem with respecting each individual? Or are you still insisting on continuing with the ‘imposing’ part, which I have already clarified is not my main point? Well, I can sense that this is becoming personal, so I will leave the discussion here.

I am sorry if in some way I have offended you, though I certainly don’t understand what it was you objected to if it was not what I picked up from your earlier post. As for respecting each individual, what on earth in anything I have said could have given you the impression that I don’t? The only individuals I don’t respect are those who are offensive or violent.

We need a special imoji for this type of situation I think. :blush:

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At the end of a rather laborious day in the office, unwinding to listening to all 12 études of Op 10, streamed at 96/24… they all sound fiendishly difficult to play to me :grinning:

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just get a DCS DAC isn’t that easy as you make it sound, as this is a fairly expensive proposition

by comparison buying a naim preamp seems to be a much more affordable solution