I have active SBLs and replaced an ancient unserviced NAXO with a SNAXO 242 avoiding the big price hike. Also got a Supercap DR which is powering the NAC 282. Original intent was for this to be a stepping stone to powering a NAC 252. Then the old classic stuff was discontinued.
Bang for buck I doubt I’m getting the best value from the Supercap DR on the NAC 282 and it might be better utilised on the SNAXO 242 (was also considering a Superline ), but does Naim still manufacture the older Burndys?
[quote="Svetty, post:2, topic:36589, full:true”]
I’d still be looking for a pre-loved 252 I think…
Definitely on the long distance radar and an itch to scratch. Never been bowled over by the ex-dem NAC 282 if I’m honest (too brash) and probably preferred the NAC 72 when it was new (I really need to get that serviced). Naturally my hearing will be worse than when I got the NAC 72 and room changes, especially wooden vs soft flooring previously, may be partly responsible as well as listening to a lot of potentially thrashy music these days.
Oddly Youtube audio via Airplay to Nova to main system via analogue out just sounds great.
The biggest problem in recent years despite a Naim dealer not too far away is that most dealers simply cannot keep a large amount of more expensive kit to demo - potentially they could request from other dealers in the group to get a demo device but it’s cumbersome.
I found the 252 DR and 552DR quite different in presentations… and possibly depends on sources. In balance I preferred my 252 over my 552 in the longer term. A 552 sounds best with slightly more relaxed or subdued sources in my opinion.
But yes as far as itch scratching… yep been there… and sometimes you just have to scratch… just don’t let it get sore…
As a brand new owner of a not-new 552, that’s not quite how I hear it, but it is certainly more vigorous than 52/252, so system/ room/ ears will matter in making the right choice.
[quote="Richard.Dane, post:7, topic:36589, full:true”]
I think so. Your dealer should be able to advise here. You’ll be wanting the S-NAXO Burndy.
This is where it becomes a bit crafty as I believe it’s the same one that could be used for a Superline - both things are potentially itches to scratch.
I have plenty of HICAPs to use on the 282 (still uncertain if I preferred one or two), the Supercap DR is being underutilised with the 282 and for the cost of a Burndy it might make the SNAXO 242 sing so long as my SBLs hold up. I’ve got a pair of new Scanspeak tweeters for them I really should ask someone to fit for me. They’ve already been replaced once after I blew them nearly 20 years ago playing things extremely loud.