Does Focal Currently make a Headphone amp?

As I typed that I realised I wasn’t sure of the answer myself!

I have enjoyed Naim kit, from low to hi-end for 35 years and I think the key quality is that it connects you with the music, and tries not to get in the way. We could mention PraT but ultimately this would be my conclusion. Not always technically perfect, not always ‘impressive’ but always enjoyable.

So, having tried a few headphones etc I would say Grado as a company are similar. Ignore the design/comfort issues that some have but each one I have tried has just been enjoyable. Sure you can analyse the bass, or the frequency bump etc but that is not for me. Do they get me chasing through my collection for another track, and another-yes.

My ZMF are fantastic but have a smoother warmer style that suits headphone listening. Not perhaps a classic Naim style. Very good though.

Interesting to hear others thoughts.

Bruce (waffling)

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I also have an Arche and would also not recommend buying one. Essentially the DAC doesn’t work properly with a USB connection. Focal were entirely unable to support that. It would play a few songs and stop and need a hard reset of both end point and the Arch. I have mine connected to ND555 via coax which works reliably.

My original use case was for my office desk system which it didn’t work for and I moved the Nova in there instead.

It does sound good and does have some tunings for different focal headphones. I’ve not bought a Atom HE largely as I will at some point buy an analog only headphone amp to connect to my 552.

For me the only time I have usb problem with Focal Arche is if start playing music before I wake it up. I then have disconnect and reconnect and it works. I have also used a usb to coaxial converter and just used the coaxial input and have no issues at all. I think the weakness of the Focal Arche is its dac section. When I used HQPlayer with it in the past, I got excellent sound quality. Now I just use one of the roon upsampling settings.

But compared to the Naim HE, it feels like a toy. It’s about a third of the weight, half the height, and 2/3 the width. The HE is built like a tank and feels like a luxury product. The Arche sold for $2500 originally and definately doesn’t feel like it was worth it for that price. At the end they were offering $1000 off, so think it pretty good for $1500. It’s a true balanced dac/amp with dual mono dac chips. The Naim HE is only grounded balanced but that still has good improvement over its single ended output. They both have very similar sound staging when using the balanced out. And actually I wouldn’t recommend the single end output of the HE. It makes my Caldera feel more blended and narrow. But the 4.4mm and XLR sound excellent. Haven’t really tried single end on the Arche.

But in the end, if you already have a streamer/dac and only need a headphone amp, many people recommend tube amps for Focal headphones. I’ve really only heard the Utopia out of solid state. The Chord Dave/mscaler, dcs Lina stack, Focal Arche, and HE. To me was best out of the HE. But I’d say to go to head-fi and find the thread on which Focal you want and search for their amp recommendations.


Can the Utopia or Stellis be used with a SN3?

Can you have both the ND5XS2 and Atom HE BOTH be used with the SN3! If so how would that work?

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Yes they can. You would just need to obtain a separate cable with 6.3mm jack as already discussed.

As I said previously, personally I would swap out your ND5 for the HE and consolidate, streaming performance would probably be similar and you would also gain the better headphone station…I know you mentioned your sight issues, but you would control the HE in exactly the same way as you do now your ND5, regardless of the screen on the HE….

But of course, if you wanted to have both and you are blowing out cash on all this, then both devices could be connected to your SN3 – just use one of your unused inputs (presuming you have some) …


Believe only the new 222 dac/steamer has the new headphone amp like the HE. Everything else will work but supposed to be subpar.

Looks like if you wanted to replace the ND5XS2, the 222 would be it. The the Naim HE comes close but isn’t supposed to be on same level at the separates. But some of said it can be hard to hear the differences depending on their setup.

Or you can just keep what you have and buy the Naim HE as stand alone headphone setup. It’s small enough to place on an end table.

If I use it as a stand alone amp how do my sources come out of the phones. I am confused.

Does Focal/Naim sell a longer headphone cable that would allow me to use my Utopia or Stellis with my SN3? I think it might be an XLR TO 1/4 inch cable. The short one is too short.

The Naim HE is an all in one streamer/dac/headphone amp/pre amp. The only source you need is either roon or any streaming service. The SN3 does have a headphone out but it’s not the same quality as the HE or 222 so you won’t get the same performance out of that setup. Not sure if something like the new ZMF Bokeh would be more suitable since it’s highly efficient and can play from portable devices.

Lots of people make custom cables for Focal and other headphones. My original cables are in the box and I use ones I had made of custom lengths.

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Aesthetically Focal headphones are beautiful but when I did the rounds (Sennheiser, Focal, Meze, HIfiman) the Focals were the least impressive in every demo I did. Shame really as I really wanted to love them

I ended up with HIfiman, less aesthetically pleasing but sounded better to my ears than the competition.

Yes, I believe so, from Focal.

Optional cables are listed at the (old) dealer here in Australia…I can’t post any dealer links as we’re not supposed to and Richard will spank me, but a couple of relevant screen grabs attached below….
I was never sure if they were ‘official’ Focal, as one which I got for a pair of Elegia headphones that I picked up on sale seems to be unbranded….But the product numbers are the same as is listed on the Focal European Price list, which I’ve also attached.
I’d say any Focal headphone dealer where you may end up purchasing your headphones will be able to advise and sort you out….
There are also the likes of online outlets such as Futureshop in the UK….

And of course, it doesn’t have to be a Focal cable – there are a myriad of other brand choices for headphone cables including many specialist brands eg Cardas etc…
If you end up getting the Utopia, just have to make sure any 3rd party cable has the correct connection type (Lemo) for the headphone end as well as the 6.3mm at the source end….

Hope this helps.

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I used custom cans to make my cables - happy with them.

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Same here excellent quality and value.

I had issues with the Utopia out of Chord Hugo 2. It was too bright. Sounded pretty amazing out of the Chord Dave. But really thought they shined out Naim HE. Gave them more warmth and punch. And at my last CanJam, I got to hear the original Utopia again and still loved them. Just so exciting and dynamic. I slightly prefer my Caldera since a litttle more organic and warm sounding. Plus the looks and lifetime warranty on the drivers seals the deal. I only briefly listened to some of the other Focals. Detailed and punchy seem to be their house sound.


When I did the demo I used the Atom HE on all the variants. Just goes to show headphones ar elite speakers, personal preference plays a large part.

I do agree the Focals look wonderful.


I do think Focal seem to be a love it or hate type of headphones. The Utopia is very dynamic and punchy and for some, that is not a sound they are looking for. People find it fatiguing. For me, I loved it.

@iamoneagwin I sm still at a loss about its use with the SN3. Since I already have an ND5XS2, I am reluctant to give that up.

Have you heard the Stellia? If so how do they compare sound wise?

I am not opposed to either, but the Stellia is more within my budget.

Perhaps I should also say that headphones will be a secondary listening mode. I much prefer speakers.

I am only getting headphones to use when my husband is listening to TV in the bedroom, so as not to overwhelm his TV. The bedroom is at the other end of our apartment from the stereo.

So my recommendation would just get the Stellia and see how it sounds in your system. I’ve only briefly heard the Stellia and sounds similar to the Utopia, which is a good thing. I believe they are pretty efficient, so might sound pretty good with what you’ve got. The HE is able to run headphones that need more power, so not sure my Caldera would work best in your setup. But I’ve heard people even listening to the Stellia out of their phone with good results. So just get the headphones, and longer cable and enjoy. Down the road I think you could add an affordable headphone amp to your current system if you feel things are lacking.


I am seriously thinking of the Atom HE with one of the Focal headphones (model TBD) and my SN3.

Can it be used as both a streamer and a headphone amp? How would it be connected to the SN3?

If I am listening through headphones will I hear my CDs and LPs? If I want them to listen through my speakers do I have do disconnect stuff?

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