Does Focal Currently make a Headphone amp?

I see a discontinued one. Does Focal currently offer a headphone amp? If so? How does that compare to the one in my SN3? If there is one is it worth the expense for a moderate user. I am not sure with better headphones ($1500 to $5000 max) that I might not listen more. Unsure.

Yes, but not made by Focal. And absolutely nothing to do with Naim.
I’ll find the link….
It’s made by micromega, which is now owned / operated by la boite.
Basically don’t buy one, because support might be challenging. You would need to get any repairs done by la boite in France, or someone who could take the lid off and figure it out.

The headphone amp in your SN3 is very good, Ive used mine for many years. I would not think you would need anything else, you already have a HiCap DR to make the SN3 better so just get the best headphones you can afford and enjoy what you already have.


I never got to hear the Arche, so don’t know how it performed…I actually didn’t know until now it was made by 3rd party…
One of the attractive abilities it had was preset ‘filters’ for the different models of Focal headphones….
Think it was discontinued at least a couple of years ago as they were often at extremely low prices here in Australia…I guess there may still be a few around or of course there’s used…but as @robert_h points out, future service would be a consideration….

If you’re seriously interested in bettering the SN3 headphone output, then you could consider the Atom HE (perhaps a demo model or good condition used to keep costs down if you’re concerned how much you will use)…Whether the performance jump would be enough to justify, only you could judge…but you also would gain additional headphone input types, as well as all the streaming ‘smarts’ that the HE also has…in fact, you could actually use it as your streamer into the SN3 and trade in your ND5…plenty of threads here about the performance and capabilities of the HE….
Or of course, it also offers a nice little ‘2nd system’ possibility – a headphone listening station as well as linked up to a nice little pair of active speakers for example…

Of course, there’s many other non Naim/Focal headphone amp options out there, including a few very high end…depends how serious you want to go with headphones……Personally, I just wanted to keep everything within the Naim camp and am happy that Naim have an offering like the HE……



Why consider the Atom HE? I already have the ND5XS2 as a streamer. I also have a Hicap DR. How would the SN3 work with the Utopia?

I think the Utopia’s come with a 3m balanced cable as standard like the Stellia’s do so you would have to buy a 3m single ended unbalanced cable to use them with the SN3.

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Fair enough…Was just an idea, as you were asking re separate external headphone amplifiers, and the HE would give you a better platform than the SN3….personally, I’d swap out the ND5 and have the best of both worlds, but that’s me…

So we’re back to Utopia now…despite a number of us suggesting the Clear Mg would be a suitable match for your SN3….

You clearly seem to be pondering a number of headphone listening aspects, across your numerous threads: Focal models, external amp options and open Vs closed back performance….
Whereabouts are you? It may be worth going to your closest dealer and have a listen to a number of these options and see what you think and what you like and start to narrow down some of these questions….In the U.K. for instance, a number of Naim dealers also carry headphones from Focal (and others), for example Signals carry the Focals as well as Sennheiser models, as well as some third party amplifier options….And then there are of course many specialist headphone dealers that concentrate solely on headphones, amplifiers and related matters such as cables from a wider range of brands……


Good point. The balanced cable supplied with Utopia would plug right into the rear of the Atom HE, but anything else you would require another cable with 3.5/6.5mm jack….

Focal do an optional 3.5m cable with 6.3mm jack for the Utopia – though it’s the cost of a lot of lower end headphones…!!


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I will also consider the Clear MG. Need to talk to the dealer. How long is the cable that comes with the Focsl Headphones?

I have the Focal Arche and the Naim HE and the HE clearly better. Fuller sound with more bass texture and quantify. The Focal Arche is a little bit airier but alway prefer the HE. I’ve used the Focal Utopia, DCA Expanse, and now the ZMF Caldera and both amps have been enough power but HE has been better for all three. The Focal Arche is also out of production, replaced by the HE. Some people have issues with the usb handshake. As long as wake up before playing, it’s fine.

The Naim HE is currently what Focal markets as their headphone amp for Focal headphones. At any meets, they have a half dozen Naim HE units setup for headphone listening. And I’ve compared it against a dozen other setups and haven’t found anything I’d switch to at the moment. Best convenience and sound for my living room headphone setup.


That’s good to know for myself actually…
I always wondered what the Arche was like…

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It often depends on the model, as it seems to vary…There’s typically a 3.5m option of one kind or another, though not always….
You can look up a lot of this spec on Focal’s website, of course…


I am very confused. I looked at the specs. The longer cables are all XLR. HOW do you use an XLR cable with a SN3? The shorter cable that one could use with a SN3 are too short for me. What do I do?

Buy a Atom HE…! :rofl:

But on a serious note, it depends on the model of Focal you get…If the Utopia, then you would need to factor in an additional cable with 6.3mm jack for your SN3, whether that be Focal’s or a 3rd party brand, of which there are many and arguably better performing possibly…(there may be adapters from XLR available, I don’t know…personally I would prefer a dedicated cable at that level)

Same with the Clear Mg, which also has the 3m cable in XLR …You could consider the Clear Mg Pro – exactly the same headphone (different colours), but with a different cable inclusion – I believe this has a 5m 6.3mm jack cable (spiral), intended for ‘studio’ use/preference….



@S.C i already have the ND5XS2 streamer and I don’t do well with screens. When I chose my Naim system, I found the ND5XS2 much easier for me. What are my options for headphones?


I use 3-4.5 meter extension cables with my headphones, since my listening chair is a bit away from the stereo. Plus I like a little extra cable so I’m not glued to the chair. This is in addition to the stock (or aftermarket) cable provided. As SC mentioned, you could look at the Clear MG or Clear MG Pro for headphones if sticking with Focal.

I’m not sure the SN3 would be sufficient for the Utopias (I’ve only heard them with an AtomHE). I’ve only tried my Beyerdynamic Amiron Home & Grado GH-1s with my SN2. I have yet to try it out with my DCA Aeon 2.

My experience of the Stellia (the high end Focal closed back model) was that it was very detailed and pretty ruthless with poor quality source or amplification. It sounded relatively thin and unappealing from an Atom (non HE) for example. Used with a Trilogy 933 headphone amp and NDS as source it was very different, although still not to my taste.

Spending Utopia/Stellia money without top quality throughout the chain would be a waste of money in my view.

I’d question that Focal headphones and Naim kit are really designed for each other, as you suggested in one of your other threads about headphones. My experience of the range is of a fairly un-Naim character, rather more HFi than music. Others, including those looking for marketing synergy, may disagree!


So what would a Naim headphone sound like? Discuss!

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Interesting reading Bruce.

Did/do you find anything that you would say marry to Naim’s typical character better than any of the Focal’s…?

I have to admit, I haven’t much stepped out of the ‘camp’ and tried the likely alternatives…I haven’t even heard the likes of Sennheiser’s HD 800’s etc….
I do like aspects of the Focal’s, and I think it’s the best thing they do….but I’d happily loose them if I discovered something equal or better for the HE….in fact, I’d be really happy if they just pi**ed off away from Naim full stop…! :roll_eyes:


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Headphones are like speakers - all sound very different, and their character is critical to listening enjoyment, satisfaction, and fatigue. Added to that is comfort, including wearing for several hours at a time. If you haven’t already, or haven’t planned to, I suggest comparative auditioning/wearing of as many different models & brands as possible within your budget is the only sensible approach, with a minimum of a several hours wear/use before committing (ideally a trial period after initial auditions). Like speakers, they need greater effort to get right than any other component, unless you are extremely lucky and the first ones you try are perfect for you.


I agree with all that….
And I already have a few pairs of Focal headphones….
I was just wondering, based on Bruce’s comments and experiences, just what he thought were a more natural partner for Naim headphone output, regardless of the friends in the playground Naim/Focal marketing….