Does Naim still offer the R-Com remote?

I am thinking of eventually buying this remote. I would be buying it for the looks and build quality.

It does not seem clear on Naim’s website that they still sell it:

The webpage for the R-com seems incomplete (no pictures, etc.).

It’s on the June 2023 price list.


Thank you!

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My pleasure. You can find that price list by Googling Naim accessory price list, I just screen shot it as it’s on dealer websites and I didn’t want to make Richard have to delete the link.

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A lot of users seem to keep the R-Com boxed and use one of the other NARCOM remotes. Personally I enjoy using it, almost like a ‘tablet of stone’ which seems to light up even if you are thinking of using it ! The one complication I’ve had is getting an old battery stuck inside it. The fix for that is using the allen key to remove the sensor end cover.

I have one but don’t use it as only the volume works in my current system of 552 and NDS. Would be great if it could stop/start and change sources. Is there a way of doing this that I’ve missed ?

I kept mine boxed because it omitted lots of functionality. Can’t remember exact details but it went off with the CD555 and I don’t miss it.

I have just been informed of the retail price by my dealer. 1029$ Canadian dollars!!!
Oh my. I believe I will pass.

There’s one on ebay right now for 275 GBP. That’s about $500 (CAD).

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Thanks! I checked it out. It is a little more worn out than I would like. THe whole point of buying one would be to have a pristine, well built remote.
I will just forget about it, and keep using my Rega Solaris remote to control the volume on my SN2. I like the Solaris. It is more ergonomic than the remote included with my SN2.

Thats exactly why I like mine, for the simplicity. I only have one source but used to miss the “repeat” function, for playing a CD 24/7 after installing something new. Now I use a streamer, I just play radio 24/7.

That said, I don’t like it so much that I would purchase a new one, or even search for a used one to be honest.

I bought one a few days ago. It is a beautifully produced thing.

My main reason for buying it was to control my CDS2, which has recently come back from Naim HQ with a new/refurbished transport mechanism. It has taken the best part of a week for me to be able to undo one of the (two) transport bolts, which was clearly tightened by a gorilla working in the Salisbury Service Department. I managed to find pliers big enough to release the bolt, and thought that I’d be able to listen to a couple of CDs.

But No. The player refuses to play any of the half dozen CDs that I have tried just now.

I’m left wondering what I paid £400 (or so) for.

Is your player or your remote which doesn’t work ?

I have no idea. It’s not impressive either way.

The NAC52 has just come back from a (£400) service, and I can’t get it to play at all, despite my trying a few of the correct pucks.

The RC (£450) is new.

But is all working good without the remote, if you use your fingers?

I was considering starting a new thread on this but after receiving my new Nac332 preamp I was wondering if there is anyway I could still use my R-Com with the 332? It’s controls other bits of kit so instead of two remotes are there such devices that can convert ir to zigbee ?

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