Donald Sutherland gone


He wasn’t afraid to put himself about.

His strangest role must be the appearance in the Jon Voight, Jacqueline Bisset, Martin Ritt, Robert Shaw film ‘End of the Game’ (1975)

Glad that you mention Eye of The Needle, a great film. And of course MASH, with the equally great Elliott Gould.

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DS, Duvall, Caine. Loved it.



Woof woof.

That’s my other dog impression.


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I’ve never seen this! I must order the DVD, the full version is over 5 hours I think and there are suggestions of a 6 hour version. But long Bertolucci is to be relished.

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Yes, that is why it has taken nearly two years to get through it. A great cast.


A great film, one of my favourites.

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RIP. He was one of my favourites. MASH unforgettable.

“Rule number 1 young men die. Rule number 2 Drs dont”

Gallows humour at its best.



kooky movie I’ve never found again, mid nineties vintage with some great actors…

love some actors doing villainous roles, and John Lithgow and Donald Sutherland being some of the greats… (Christian Slater and John Travolta in that same era making me feel a similar way)…

A movie with both of them together? Excellent!

…akin to “True Romance” with Dennis Hopper vs Christopher Walken scene or The Wrong Man (/Lucky Number Slevin) with Ben Kingsley vs Morgan Freeman etc…

Sutherland just seemed like the sort of person whose nurtured those around him to deliver better performances, and give us scenes worth watching.

Donald Sutherland is a name that draws me consider a film.

thankyou for time given and sharing passion.

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Great actor. He will be missed.



Don’t Look Now is memorable. My wife is so terrified by it that she won’t watch. I’ve always found it a challenge myself.
R.I.P Donald


What a performance, what a role!

Mr Harrigan’s Phone - quiet intensity, quite brilliant. Having started with MASH and Kelly’s Heroes, this was the last of his films that I saw. Such a great actor, RIP

Another one of the greats, gone.

LOVED him in THE ASSIGNMENT from 1997!


Thank you DS. RIP.

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Donald Sutherland was an actor and a man of the world. One of the top persons I would like to have dinner or a pint. He was a great Canadian from the Maritime representing best of our country. His sense of humour and honesty is contagious. For just being himself, he will be dealer missed by his family and extended Canadian family. RIP and make them laugh and entertain wherever you are. :v:t3: