Download now available for Naim Streamers

Spotify, Qobuz and Tidal have moved to their own section (not at home and can’t remember what it’s called)

Services and Accounts.

However, I still see Qobuz in the input list!

After a quick play it disappears from the list If I enable Qobuz. Odd.

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Thanks! I will look there when I get home!

This :point_up:

Well, I’ve done everything I can think of to get the Google Assistant to work after the updates (unplug/replug, factory reset, delete and recreate my Google Home, etc.)

Can’t anyone who has installed the update try giving a command to “Play music on [Name of Naim device]”, and let me know if it works? That way, I could at least determine if the problem is specific to my setup.

Settings, including Input Enable, for Qobuz, Spotify and Tidal are under Services & Accounts.


This whole separate menu for streaming services is a dogs dinner in my view.
In the regular Input Settings menu they are there like they always used to be until you enable them, then they vanish without explanation!
Further confusion that the words Input Enabled are used when it isn’t. If it said Enable Input that would indicate that pressing the button would do so.
Why these inputs need to be on a separate list when they all appear in the same input section of the home page is beyond me.


I didn’t say it was an effective UI, just where the settings are……. :innocent:


Gosh, I didn’t even know there was a new menu. New features and changes without any explanation is a bit odd.


Yes, whenever firmware changes some users will report it sounds better, others that it’s unchanged, and others that it’s worse.

That’s to be expected because of differences between differences systems and listeners.

But this is the firmware change where sound quality has improved the most for the most people as far as I can remember.

It could be that this is something to do with the NP800 Streaming card in some of the streamers.

If Naim can keep sound quality at least this good in future updates of firmware they will be doing a very good job in my view.


Can fully confirm - the change is much more dominant than last time.

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And this is something you all feel comfortable with? Paying 10th of thousands of pounds. Fine tuning your systems over month or years with tweaks and then over night it’s all shot. If your sound now is too bright, what should you do? Buy a different set of cables to tame it? New speakers? Maybe yet another power supply to see if that solves it? Or maybe convince yourself the new sound is in fact better? If the changes a lot of you are reporting is true, it’s nothing short of a disaster no matter some of you being content. I’m glad I can’t upgrade my NDS.

Fully expecting to get shot down here.


A little catch 22 situation.

Am updating the presets/ favourites on a couple of Qbs used in bedrooms and cannot delete one of the BBC stations ( shown with a white triangle and !) against it as « it is used for an alarm- please delete alarm », but it seems to me that the new Firmware update has removed the alarm facility, which was very useful……

Am I wrong - is there still an alarm hidden somewhere within settings?

This seems to be a current bug with the (iOS?) app - let’s hope it will get fixed soon.

I can see Qb2 options for alarm via updated Android app. (update last week).

Could not agree more. I still am completely baffled about Naim’s decision to significantly alter the balance of sound across its streamers. Totally baffling and a major kick in the teeth to users who loved the way their system sounded pre update. Not even a warning to enable users to make a choice. I just can’t get my head around it at all. My hifi belongs to me, it is my property, I didn’t give anyone permission to change its sound signature… just bizarre…


This is a concern. I’m thinking of spending the thick end of a grand on a Mu-so 2 and am concerned that, in tech terms, it’s long in the tooth and will become obsolete / unable to handle upgrades relatively soon after I buy it. I wonder how long it will be before Naim launch a replacement.

I have read all of the posts on here related to the SQ change from the most recent FW update. The majority report the SQ change as an improvement, some, like myself, a significant improvement.

That, of course, does not help the few who have issues with the changed SQ.

It appears that our systems and environments are unique enough that it becomes difficult to please everyone with a FW update that produces a big enough change in SQ. So you are left with the choice to move forward and improve SQ for the majority, or stay put.

I for one would have not liked missing out on the latest free upgrade in SQ, but that is just me being selfish!


Since they coded the FW they should know exactly how it would change sq in the different machines it was implemented and could have told users exactly what to expect beforehand. Or maybe it was a mistake and a random change in sq?

They could have given owners the option to try it and then revert if they didn’t like the outcome.

I don’t even have one of the affected products but am annoyed all the same, maybe I have turned in to a grumpy old man already.


Why use the term obsolete? It will not sound broken because a new product will replace it.