Downsizing to a 1 box system (hopefully!)

2024 started off with an unexpected proposal in the form of a 30% + proposed rent increase. Thankfully there are new buildings finishing soon that I have been able to walk through and I just signed a lease in a new albeit much smaller (compared to my current place) studio apartment.

My current system - a Rega P8, Supernait 3, Tannoy Eatons, CD5X, Flatcap, Rotel T11 tuner, Audioquest Rocket 88s and an Audioquest Chicago interconnect - will be going to new homes and I’m looking at a 1 box system, probably a Uniti Atom or Star but I am intrigued by the Simaudio Moon ACE despite the only dealer in town carrying Simaudio not having one to listen to.

Has anyone done an A/B comparison of a Naim Atom or Star and the ACE? Thoughts? Feelings?? For context there is a difference of roughly $1 800 between the Star (more expensive) and ACE which is a big consideration…

I have narrowed the choice of speaker down to a preowned pair of bookshelf Revolution XT 6-GB (for a very good price) and Harbeth P3ESR XD and would like to add a sub (or 2) to fill the sound out. JL Audio is a fave of my preferred store but I am leaning towards a REL having had one almost 30 years ago. Do folks prefer to run a sub cable like an Audioquest Boxer from the amp to the sub or from the speakers to the sub (I’m looking for the best sound and don’t know which option provides the biggest bang for the buck).

Looks like it’s time to start packing!

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