Downsizing to Nova/LP12/S400

There’s one for sale for just under 3K. Year old but brand new and sealed box. Unfortunately that means only 12 months left of original but transferable warranty but no extended 3 year warranty. Seller seems genuine.

You really need to get hold of one on loan from a helpful dealer and try it for yourself with the Ovators. I always just wanted a one box solution but couldn’t live with the Nova after a year or more and ended up with SN3/NDX2 two box compromise. In fairness the speakers I had at the time may not have been the best match so all the more reason you should home demo in advance of purchase. Didn’t get on with the NC222/250 either but that’s another story.


I’ve kept my Nova when I went through an upgrade journey, and it’s used every day in our Lounge. At its price point I think it’s excellent value for simplicity and sound quality. If you are staying for vinyl, I did use a Rega Planar 3 and a Rega MM phono stage with it, and that also worked very well. I wonder whether an updated Nova is on the way with an onboard phono stage, but it does look like there is some really favourable pricing for the current model in the UK.

As Nigel said (as I had said to him earlier :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) speaker matching is important though - don’t over-speaker a Nova.


Oh no! Where will I get my fix of finest first press porn on the “What are you listening to…?” thread?

I can’t answer your specific question about the Nova/S400, but if that combo doesn’t work, maybe you could consider a combined streamer/preamp (NSC 222, Atom HE, for example) into a pair of powered active speakers. While my olive active SBL system is boxed up pending a decision on whether to service it or let it go, I’m using an Atom HE into a pair of Acoustic Energy AE1 active loudspeakers. It comes a lot closer to the big system than a system that much smaller and less expensive has any right to expect.

Hope you ultimately find what you’re looking for.


Precisely, that’s where I went wrong I think.

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It’s funny, I went NDX2/SN3 to Nova - the opposite direction to you - and haven’t missed the former for a moment. As we all seem to agree, it’s all about getting the speaker match right.


Sure, if you want 40% of what your current system provides in sound quality, go ahead…:innocent:

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Although I had S-400s twice and resold both pairs - they were not the right speakers in this room - I still think that they are a very good floor standing design, exceptionally well designed and looking very cool in any room.
Their possible limit is a not very refined, airy top end, but since the Nova excels in that area as far as my memory helps, I don’t see why the match shouldn’t work.

The S-400s were thought to go with XSs in the suggested systems of time ago, not a difficult speaker to drive and unmeasurably better looking than almost any other floor stander I know of. My opinion only…


If I were to downsize box count I would be in the active speakers & streaming pre space with Naim and ATC.

I have learnt with some pain that speakers that work well on your room is vital!

Best of luck which ever direction you go and I can definitely see the appeal of simplicity.



Tony doesn’t want to change his speakers and wants only one box. So apart a Nova or another integrated streaming amp, there’s no other choices.
My vote would be 2 boxes 222/250.


I was fortunate to own some Naim SL2s, in the nicest maple veneer I’ve ever seen. I think they are fantastic speakers and I loved owning them. But when I downsized I sold them, because I knew that they wouldn’t be an appropriate match to the new system. In this situation the head needs to rule the heart. Maybe the Ovators will work with the Nova. But if they don’t, if the Nova is going to stay, the speakers have to go. They are only speakers after all, it’s not like selling a family member.

It’s a shame there aren’t more active speakers around, as the 222 or Atom HE with active is a very attractive proposition. It’s a shame that ATC don’t make a smaller active speaker and that the more affordable ones came in colours other than black and orange and didn’t have ugly grilles. The SCM 20 or 50 are a much more attractive proposition, but at a less attractive price.


ATC do offer the 20ASL in their pro range. As long as you like black ash. Unless that’s what you’re referring to above?


Whilst ATC’s 19A and 40Aa re only available in cherry veneer (is that what you refer to as orange?) and black or white. The 20A tower, their smallest domestic active, is also available as standard in oak and walnut (as is the 50 upwards) - but these all have the front baffle in black, all bar the 20 with the baffle covering most of the front surface.

But Tony seems to be set on the S400 with Nova - he will simply have to try and see if they work for him.


There’s no way Lenny and Derek are going to be able to get the S400s up the stairs at the care home. Have you seen how tight that turn is at the top, outside room 12?!

And you are still gonna need the Sondek for when you spin the ‘platters that matter’ as DJ Tony, at the Friday night socials.

Seriously, I hope it works out whichever way you go.



Thank you, Chris. That made me laugh. The way things are going, it won’t be long before I end up in a home.
Seriously though I will get hold of a Nova in the next couple of weeks and post findings.
Thanks everyone.


That’s exactly what I was meaning. I did try some SCM 11s and while they sounded good the poo brown of the veneer was really horrible. Black and white wouldn’t work either, so that ruled them out. The 20, 50, 100 etc are a different proposition and come in some lovely finishes. Not everyone likes the Ovators, but they certainly look good, which is important when you need to accommodate large speakers in the sitting room.

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Hello HH,

interested to know if You tried the PMC 5.22i on your Nova before choosing the PMC 5.21i. If so, was there a big sonic difference between the two ?

the active ELAC (native series) can be a good alternative

They are far too deep for the place where I have them, so I didn’t. By all accounts they are easier to drive than the 21i, so should suit the Nova well.

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I liked the SU with Ovator 400 so I assume the Nova will sound great with them. Assuming your room and ears are a match of course.

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