Downsizing to Nova/LP12/S400

No, the 250 is perfectly rated at 80wpc and more than enough for me and its electronics just bring a little more control to the midrange in my room. I don’t think there’s anything different inside the PE to convince me to trade my Nova in apart from the extra power.

Good suggestion, Chris. I’ll have a go tomorrow and see what different, if any, it makes.

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Tony, all I was floating was the idea that a 222/250 would be better than a Nova/250, and would be a better option if you wanted two boxes. The person who bought my 250DR used it with their Nova initially, and found more or less no improvement. They then swapped the Nova for a 282 and NDX2 and balance was restored. To me, the Nova is fine just as it is; it’s about finding the right speakers. Once the 282/SC has gone, I’d be looking at alternative speakers with just the Nova, against your Nova, 250 and S400s. You might be surprised to find that what on paper is less can, in practice, be more. And if you don’t, then at least you’ll know.


Thank you, Nigel. I’ll give it a try and see how long I can “survive” with the present configuration. Thanks for all the help.
I’m really happy you finally found nirvana with your current setup.

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My suggestion was just harking back to your original hope for just a Nova and S400, the PE version likely giving at least the extra control that the 250 gives, while remaining a single box, not three with 250/SC. There would of course be a cost premium as the PE is so new.


Yep, same approach, Nova on its own…or separate but then multiples boxes…not always an easy choice :wink:

My approach…listen…if you like the result…dont compare anymore :wink: saves lot of time…and money…for more vinyl :wink:

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Why not Atom HE with 250 ?


‘Cause I already bought the Nova, FR. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
Ridiculous to say but I’m beginning to enjoy it and discovering sounds I didn’t hear before with the previous set up.
Funny business HiFi! :sunglasses:


The Nova is pretty good really for a single box solution. I ran mine with Totem Forest Signatures and they are now on a ND555/552300DR - much better of course, but perfectly good on the Nova if I ever downsize the main rig.


I would never willingly give up stacked QUAD ESL57s and the rest of my ‘big’ system - see details in my Profile.

But I have been tremendously impressed with my new, much smaller system in a different part of the house - an LP12/ARO/rebuilt Linn Troika, Nait 50, and Falcon LS3/5As. I could happily live with them alone, if push came to shove.


Those are great looking speakers, Mike, specially in mahogany. I’m sure they also sound superb.

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Tony only just noticed this thread big changes, hope it works ok. Won’t offer any advice as others with more experience than me have probably already confused you enough. Good luck :sunglasses:


Thanks, Pete.

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My naim nova took around 3 months to run in. At first I could not listen to it as it was nothing I knew from owning naim. It’s not a year old yet, but I now find it amazing to listen to. I use focal 926 K2 speakers. I also have 202,200,flatcap xs but no longer use them. Nova is far more refined and detailed, 3d. With the K2’s, the dynamics, speed, drive are fabulous. Balance is spot on.
When I first connected my mf vynl and Denon sacd player, they were both unlistenable. I had a couple of pairs of old audioquest emerald interconnects here. With these in place, the sacd and phono stage are incredible. The vdh integration was not a suitable interconnect despite it being one of my favourites with other gear.
I use naim a5 speaker cable with silver deltron bananas. I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of cables, but in my experience they make an enormous difference.

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It is amazing how your ears adjust to what they become accustomed!

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