Downsizing to Nova/LP12/S400

Ok, so I decided to use the CA 640P for now- it’s rather good and punches well above its weight. I’ll upgrade it at a later date.
Got an email from Duncan/Naim confirming what @HungryHalibut and @Christopher_M had already suggested.
And yes, although they will never replace a full system, the Nova and S400s do sound good together. At least in my “space”. :sunglasses:
Thank you so much for all your help.


Lovely pics, looks inviting to put up some music, also with the Revox there on top.

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Thank you, DC. The only bummer is that the B77 can only be used for replay or any other ordinary tape deck for that matter. I think the flagship S1 system has the same issue. Oh, well!:roll_eyes:

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I don’t want to open a new topic just for this but I am having some “evil” thoughts. Anyway to use the Nova as a preamp connected to the 250-Supercap? What interconnect and input/ outputs?
An, no, I’m not considering the new Nova PE.

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You cannot use the Supercap, but you can connect the 250 to the Nova using its din 4 to XLR lead.


You can’t use a Supercap to power either a Nova or a 250, so it’s no use here (unless you have a Naim phono stage that it can power).


Thanks, Nigel!

Thank you, Chris!

You have two options here with a Nova and a 250. Either using the pre-out on the Nova to the 250, or bi-amping by using the 250 off the Nova and the speaker outputs on the Nova concurrently to a pair of two-way speakers.

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Tony seems committed to the Ovators, which don’t have biwire sockets but yes, it would be an option with biwirable speakers. Whether it would improve things is very speaker dependent.


There’s been a slight improvement in sound with the 250, feeling fuller - not punchy - but rounded if that makes sense. The SC used to make a hell of a difference. We’re getting there though!
Thank you, gentlemen!

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I’m not suggesting you do this, as you are downsizing. But, when my NDX2/555PS was off-line for a relay repair on the NDX2, I ran a Star through a 252/SC/250 and is was surprisingly good.

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Thank you for the suggestion, Mike, but I’m trying to downsize and the 250 is already an extra box although it has made a difference. I just want to keep the number of boxes down to a minimum. It’s tough as I was so used to the 282/250/SC synergy and fullness. Is is an experiment and all suggestions are valid. Maybe a change of speakers as many have suggested.


If you are contemplating using a 250 with a Nova, you’d be much better off with a 222/250. Maybe what you need is some PMC twenty5.21i!!


Also trading everything in for NC series 222/250 was suggested, and since it now looks you’ve reconciled with needing two boxes really, that may again be a suggestion.

edit: @HungryHalibut beat me to it!

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Great minds think alike, DC. :sunglasses:

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……also a few grand worse off.


Hopefully for @Tony selling the 282/250/SC and Nova would offset that somewhat @ChrisSU.

Maybe the new Nova PE’s amp capability would be adequate for the S400, just(!) requiring swapping the Nova and 250 for it…

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I don’t know if this is a bit of a sideshow but are the S400s in the same positions with the Nova they were in with your big rig? If so, I think it would be worth placing them a little closer to the back wall, in search of a bit more heft. It’s a delicate balance though, too close and speed and airyness are lost.

Talking only about with a Nova here, not Nova and iconic NAP.