Dumb Question: Superline UK to US

Does a Superline bought in the UK work with a US Naim preamp/PSU/Integrated, or is there a voltage difference that needs conversion? I feel dumb for asking, but I honestly cannot find any info.

As you seem to know, Superline needs either an external PSU or a power feed from a Naim preamp; in either case, it does not plug directly into the wall, so voltage is a non-issue for US vs. UK. Any unit will work in either country.


Thank you @AHT! I assumed as much, but it is for a friend and I wanted to be certain. Naim components often times confuse me on what they may or may not do electrically no matter how much logic I might own in the matter. :wink: Thank you!


All Part of the Magick… :snake: :mage: :black_cat:

But… definitely better to ask, if unsure.


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