English Electric 8 Question

I just bought one of these switches… I have a fairly simple question. Besides of course the Streamer should I also hook up my NAS to it?

Probably yes - depending on how your network is configured.



I’ll echo what Osiris says above.

Well it’s pretty simple. Arris Modem. Asus Router. I have just the two pieces Auralic Aries G2.2 Streamer… Synology NAS… My iMac is hooked up to the Router… That’s it…


Job done.


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Like most of these ‘audiophile’ switches, they are best used as the final link before the streamer. Personally i prefer to keep NAS, Server (Roon Nucleus in my case) and all ISP kit elsewhere away from the Hi-Fi, but if you need the NAS to be local to your Hi-Fi, then yes, plug it into the EE8.

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The NAS doesn’t need to be physically near the streamer to use the EE. It’s just a case of getting a wire long enough to reach the streamer. I have my NAS and Nova connected to the EE, with the NAS and EE in a different room to the Nova. Nothing with flashing lights in the sitting room allowed.

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That’s one of the nice things about the EE8, the lights are so small that that are not really noticeable.



Thanks guys. The NAS is right near the router. So I’ll put that into the EE. Along with the streamer

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@opus - I recently swapped the supplied power supply for a 3rd party LPS on my EE8 switch. Not sure if I can name the Dutch brand here but it made a very noticeable improvement to the sound clarity, soundstage and was money very well spent. I play 100% from a NAS rather than streaming services in case you’re interested.

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One of my better purchased tbh. Love my Super3. Very noticeable improvement across the board.

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