English Electric 8Switch

EE8 for desert?

If you try really hard, it could be you.

The only ears I trust are my own. Same with my eye sight, i only trust my own eyes. It’s not hard.


You forgot the dedicated mains…

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It’s easy to take the piss but these are the things that really do make a difference - a well balanced set of electronics and speakers, good supports and good mains. It’s really not clever to have a go at other forum members who make a real effort to help, giving advice, inviting people to their house and responding to emails. I have no idea why you wish to have a go at me at every opportunity but it really is most tiresome. I’ve done nothing to offend you and would really appreciate it if you’d drop this antagonism. It isn’t helpful, it isn’t kind and heaven knows, with all the crap we are all having to deal with, we really need to pull together and support each other.


I’m not sure who you are talking to, but kindness cuts both ways.


What religion that you are (or someone is) talking about, @Mike_S?

On that occasion I felt you were giving poor advice, based on supposition rather than experience. That’s entirely different to what appears to be a personal dislike. It’s clear and obvious. I don’t understand it and I find it gets in the way useful discussion. It doesn’t matter to me if you or anyone else disagrees with me, but please please drop the snide comments. If you dislike me that much just ignore me. Pretend I don’t exist.

I think its time to go to bed (except for Mike ). Good night all.

Tomorrows another day.



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It’s all in the delivery really, it comes across as being somewhat critical of others choices.

Back to the EE8 switch?

Chord rather than discord!


Time for a coffee I think :sunglasses:

Make it a black one

Double shot I think and we will await the big verdict on HH’s EE8 tomorrow.

Chord;s profit margins are literally hanging on it.

Nicely done Mr B. I can’t remember, do you have one of these? If so, what do you think of it?

As are Cisco’s :joy::joy::joy:

Don’t have an EE8 but have been lurking around this thread as I am intrigued.

You are keeping us all guessing.

I’m still at the Cisco disco for the forseeable future , no bread man.

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