English Electric EE1

« Between the wall socket and the switch I use BJC to avoid introducing noise and crap which travels through the tens of meters of in-wall cabling. I have Netgear GS108E switch, which has measurably one of the lowest noise floors around »

If I knew that before, I would never wasted my money on the Audioquest diamonds and PhoenixNet. :joy:


I owned the English Electric 8Switch (with LPSU) before Netgear GS108E. I noticed the Alpha Audio review/measurements of several switches and got curious so I bought one GS108E (costs around 30-40 euros). I preferred its sound to the 8Switch, better flow of music and PRaT. 8Switch maybe had a slightly higher resolution but it sounded more clinical/hifi than GS108E. That might fit some setups but not mine. So I ended up saving around 400 euros and got better sound quality, I’m happy.


Good choice, I think GS108Tv3 may be quieter.

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The first switch I had was the Netgear Gs105. Added a high quality psu, then I was happy.
However found the Cisco 2960 having better prat and more grip.
The Etheregen next, specifically with a good lps, was another world for me.
PhoenixNet finally bettered it, but the gap was not that big as previously.
Put back the Netgear, just for fun. My god, the soundstage collapsed, the sound became lean, the details less present….and so on.


Good for you :+1:t2:

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I’m still on the Vodkas - i must be wasted too :rofl:


I have an EE1 between my Melco and EE8. Anyone added a second EE1 say between switch and router?

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The vodka is so noisy. What a mistake ! Get a Blueberry instead.
Blueberry Ethernet cable, it’s the future !

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Hi guys , Will the EE 1 works without a switch ? I have an extra Nordost ethernet cable… maybe I can put it to good use by having the EE 1

If your router has more than one port, it has an integral switch.


Thank you

Yes, it’s an in-line filter.

Connect to your existing Ethernet cable, use the supplied Ethernet cable and connect to your streamer.

Job done and works well.



The more time I have with the EE1 the more I’m impressed with it. No way I’d remove it. I’m thinking about adding another one or maybe the new CAD device I posted about in another thread.

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I’ve got the Netgear GS108, all Blue Jeans Cables. Had it all on BT router before and Cisco 2960 before that.

I don’t honestly think there is much difference. But I haven’t gone for expensive boutique ethernet cables.

It’s not an area I have focused or experimented that much with to be fair.

If you can get more out of your set up with expensive switches and ethernet cables then it is worth it.

My focus has been on other areas. I prefer hard wiring all my TV, AV amp and streamers and NAS. So I needed the switch so it is not on WiFi.


Thank you guys for the inputs

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To get the benefit, you need a GS108E or GS108T switch (not the standard GS108 unmanaged switch) and a low noise power supply (such as the iFi Power X) and then set the switch to low power mode.


GS105 or GS105E?
They are completely different switches.


I’ve got the iFi power supply and GS108. Was advised on here to get that one as it’s unmanaged!

The former.

Had purchased the EE1 . And plugged on to try out … this is what I had observed— the high and low are cleaner and quieter overall across the spectrum. More micro details been revealed . C clear cable not bad at all…am gonna get either a Sarum T or Music from EE 1 to dCS . I have to admit chord makes better streaming cable .

Plugged on my heindall 2 streaming cable… sound too big for my game room ,although it gives better sound overall.

Thanks guys for the feedbacks on EE1