English Electric EE1

@Dan_M @frenchrooster

I don’t know who told you that the unmanaged GS108 is better… the GS105E / GS108E are electrically a LOT quieter, although you do need to set them to use the Low Power mode to get the full benefit.



I ditched the freebie C-Stream for the Shawline with my EE1 and it was well worth it. Good lord with a Sarum or Music would be amazing.


Beside c streams , other models are out of stocks … I wonder … how to demo or purchase when there is no stocks … in fact , many makes are not having any physical stocks in their retails …

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Guess I was lucky. I’m in North America and visited my local hi-fi shop and left with 10% off a Chord Shawline.

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Yes you are… I was offered to buy demo cables :sweat_smile:… a no no for me … too expansive to buy demo cables with no discounts at all

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I ditched mine for the Epic with the EE1.

All the other streaming cables are Clearway.



Currently I have the chord signature going from ee1 to my streamer . From port to ee1 is the c stream . Should I use the signature from port to ee1 and get a better chord from ee 1 to streamer ? OR. Get an epic from port to ee1 and remain the signature to streamer ? :thinking:

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I’d go for Shawline as a minimum with your Signature. Epic from port to ee1 and
Signature to your streamer would likely be really really good.

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When I spoke to Chord, they advised to put the higher quality cable as the last cable to the streamer.

So presently looking out for a cable above the Epic spec.



Perhaps a Sarum T for you ? Or signature as it’s a level up from the epic . I believe any cable level up from your epic will do great

Watching a Signature streaming cable at the moment.

My mains cable is a SignatureX and that is very good.



FWIW I’ve been as far as Sarum level ‘streaming’ cable including C-Stream, Clearway, Shawline, Epic & Signature.

I preferred C-Stream, but even that doesn’t improve on a Designacable Cat 6a (floating).

Save your money is my advice.



In which ways is a Catsnake better than Sarum Ethernet?

My experience also, though I’ve not tested the most expensive ones but few in 100-200€ range. BJC Cat6a works for me.


For me a good jump vs this level was Network Acoustics ENO

Why save your money? It’s only your experience, not a fact.
I tried the Catsnake 6a during 15 days. Not bad, even good for the price.
But even not close to the Diamond.
However I will never say the Diamond is all you need to have. It’s system, mains, and taste dependent.


Just sharing my experience…FWIW. I’m sure readers are capable of evaluating ‘advice’ and coming to their own conclusions.



Me too.
But in that case you can’t generalise it in a general advice.

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I found the Sarum a touch ‘edgy’ and not as fluid.


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I still have mine in a spares box somewhere. I’ve never even bothered to run mine in…

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