English Electric EE1

Well you may think so. I’m afraid I can’t see any point in what @BrendanD is saying. It’s just a reference to a rather uncomplimentary review. There is at least one review out there that is very complimentary that I’ve read. But so what? I use my own ears to judge.


I’m with you but I probably wasn’t very clear. I read that review and others iirc. However my ears, will have the final say so regardless.

I’ve had good luck with their(Chord) products (EE1, EE8 and some cables) so far and they seem to work well together. If it improves it subtly I’ll be happy. If it’s better than the EE1 as you mentioned then I’ll be ecstatic…

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I am happy with the simple Bonn N8, a relatively modest switch pricewise. Difference with/without is quite small but audible. It delivers gorgeous sound to my system, which consists of Gryphon Diablo 300, Gryphon Scorpio CD player, NDX2 and Marten speakers. Don‘t need the super expensive stuff from Melco etc. The system is what counts. I believe, the sound difference between switches is minor. I did a blind test at my dealer. Hmmm. I didn’t found an expenditure of 2000 Euro or even more for the top of the top switches justified. I bought this one for the connection of six ethernet cables.


You need to try them in your house to see how they react to your particular electrical environment and the exact system that you have.


Russ joins the party…



Of course do report your findings

Full of zapperators apparently… whatever they are !

I’m sure someone will give it a go, but it won’t be me :slightly_smiling_face:

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Gotcha. Network filters as such seem to be en vogue right now

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Yes, but worth the extra money as it has an earthing socket.