English Electric EE1

I didn’t like Catsnake. It made the bass lumpy and weird. I use Chord Shawline now and it seems to be very good at not too silly a price.


I initially loved the Chord C-Stream despite trying one or two more expensive Chords. Then I tried Catsnake. Once I’d got over the extraordinarily long burn-in period, where the bass sound a bit odd, it stayed and I’ve not found anything to dislodge it. I had a flirt with some Audioquest Vodka but didn’t like it. I’d quite like to try the Diamond to see if that’s as good as people say?


I found the AQ Vodka as the last leg (Melco server to 222) on the end of a CatSnake 6a loom works very well. Best combo of Ethernet cables I have heard in my system.

Previously I had poor results with AQ Vodka in other configurations.


After being completely boring & teetotal with the BJC 6a cables i decided to go full loom Vodka a couple of years ago - it was the equivalent of leaping off a mundane Honda CB650R Hornet and jumping straight on a Triumph Street Triple 765 RS. Absolutely no contest.


The ee1 appears to provide a slight improvement by lowering the noise floor. However, the biggest improvement in Streaming quality occurred when I went from CatSnake to a combination of AQ Diamond and SR Sigma.

This combination really lifted the performance of my system to another level. The Neotech 1008 is also a very good alternative at a lower price point. Much better than the rowdy teenager, that is the AQ Vodka😉
Higher end Chord streaming cables did not work for me either. Dull and unexciting there appeared little to be gained by moving up the range from the C-stream to the Signature.

Whilst Chord produce some superb products, streaming cables are IMO not one of them.


Out of interest how have you determined this, I guess listening to reduced hiss when you put your ear to a tweeter?

I ask as determining reduced noise floor is usually really difficult to measure. Some people perhaps confuse reducing congestion or changed tonal response with ‘lowering noise floor’ or increased noise…

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Hi @Simon-in-Suffolk. I have enjoyed your considered advice on this forum over many years. Thank you!!

Nothing technical to be seen here. Just used the two flappers attached to the sides of my noggin. When something sounds better, I try to describle the improvement and usually fail!

However, I have experimented with some rather expensive upgrades over the years, that ended up heading back to the dealer. The ee1 IMO provided a maginal, if relative inexpensive improvement in my listening enjoyment.

It’s a keeper…but only just.

When you get chance could you open up a GroundAray. I reckon there is cotton wool inside;-)


Good stuff- glad its working for you :slight_smile:


So if you’re connecting the Cisco 2960 to the Adot, presumably using the 2960’s fibre interface, how do you connect the EE1 which is RJ45 copper only in the middle?


Nasty. Please consult a physician on how best to proceed with this.

Absolute codswallop. I know. I own two of these and there’s a genie inside who will grant you three wishes if you let him out.

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How? I just don’t connect anything. It was a joke.
I have just the PhoenixNet, only one. :grin:

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Curious if anyone else has noticed their EE1 sounds better after a month or so? I’ve noticed a small but noticeable increase in SQ.

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Yes. I have two of them and they both improved with use over several weeks. I wasn’t surprised. Same with all my Chord cables, M6 mains lock, two S6 blocks, EE8, Power Arays and Ground Arays. They all sounded much better after weeks, or sometimes months of use. Seems to be par for the course with Chord Co. products.

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Thanks for the confirmation. I kept remarking to myself lately “what’s changed? It’s sounding better, what happened!” Subtle for sure but I like it. Another EE1 is on my list. I do wonder about adding a groundAray to my EE8 but I think another EE1 will be next.

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Another EE1 is a great idea, but TBH the RJ45 ground arays made much bigger improvements in my set up. I have one in my EE8 and another in my BT Smart Hub 2. Same with the Power Arays.


Interesting. I’ll look into them again. I have a Farad PS for my EE8, figured the groundArray wouldn’t be that big of an improvement. I’ll try to borrow one.

I was a little bit sceptical before I got the first one, which I put in my BT Hub, as I thought that was probably the noisiest thing. But having heard what it did I immediately wanted a second one to put in my EE8. If I could afford it I would add more - the effect is cumulative. But I can’t! But yes, borrow one from your dealer, I think Chord operate a loan scheme, before purchasing. As always, YMMV.

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Sorry… Im a fan of well constructed and shielded cables, and can easily hear the difference back and forth that they make, but these grounding boxes are… well…

Fair point, I read that review a year ago. For my situation I want to try the RJ45 version on my switch(when I have the budget) not DAC/Streamer to see if I can hear any difference. If not I’ll promptly return it. I was skeptical about the EE1 but for my situation it was a nice enhancement. YMMV

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