English Electric EE1

The setup he has (mine is extremely close to this) sounds fantastic. It just looks complicated it really isn’t at all.

The point I am making is that it does not have to be as complicated (and convoluted) as this configuration.
It is just anti-intuitive as well as non-scientific (at least to me), and I fully understand that many members here make similar claims, and justifications.

No worries and I get it. I think he was just being thorough and pointing out his complete network topology and where he placed his EE1. I’m happy he seems to like it. Hey look at that, back on topic.

Cisco Catalyst 2960 WS-C2960-8TC-L V02 8 Port Switch, is what I’ve used for many years.


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Yikes I just realized I didn’t answer your question @sihctr I started rambling on… Luckily my hero just jumped in to save the day. LOL. I use the same Cisco switch.


It’s a dark-coloured one, right? And does V02 matter?
Many versions out there in the market, so making sure I get something that makes sense!

Dark grey-green. I’m sure VO 2 is not relevant.


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Always listen to these devices in your system before you buy. I’ve tried a number of them and they may improve in one way there is always something else they seems to degrade.


I have a three broadband router that uses 5G as opposed to fibre, one of the Ethernet ports feeds directly into my Roon PC, which in turn connects to my USB DAC. There is no need for any switches; however, can I purchase better quality air between my house and the local 5G mast? We don’t actually have full 5g yet in the UK; it is 4g on steroids.


Very true indeed.

I found this with a LPS on my BT Smart Hub 2. Swings and roundabouts compared to the bundled SMPS.

To get real improvements without a downside one usually needs to spend significant money. No such thing as a free lunch I’m afraid.

Means not good for me

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I use a (IIRC) Cisco 2960-C-8TC-L

It’s the one that suggested by @Simon-in-Suffolk


100% … a few years ago I tested the market fav-rav at the time & others with some hifi/music friends, the market favourite at the time Acoustic Revive RLI-1, the only other brand I remember was Baaske Medical, plus 4 others.
We tried them on Naim, Linn & Cyrus streamers, at the streamer input port & the router outlet. None made a positive change that was consistantly detectable over all the systems, some made a negative change.
These things are just galvanic isolators, and all our ethernet cable branches already have one at each end, what does adding another do?

Last question I ask myself is if the EE1 is so good, then why don’t Chord have Thunder Data Co. build them into the EE switches (don’t answer that)


The question I’m asking myself is ‘Is the EE1 worth the asking price?’

Initial feedback here seems inconclusive. Early days but not a good sign. It is cheap in audiophile accessory terms which, coming from The Chord Company is also probably not a good sign.

We’ll see. My guess is it is a lot more effective used in multiples rather than just singly.


Have ordered one try, which came with a short C-Stream streaming cable.

Will see what develops using my usual test Playlist.

If an improvement will stay, if not the vendor has a 30 day returns arrangement.



As a 4G user myself, I’ve mused a similar thought on here before : who needs miles of fibre (or worse, copper cable) when air seems to do a great job ? And if you also use WiFi, then the only “thing” between your streamer and the mast is your modem/router.


Please post once you have it. I’m still leaning toward trying one as well as soon as my local dealer has them in stock. Being in North America, devices like these are slow to arrive locally.

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Will be interested to hear your impressions. Apparently Chord are including a free 75cm C Stream cable FOC for a limited period. How limited they don’t say!


Hi Marcus,

What is your Ethernet cable?
What are you using as powerblock?
I would suggest more an upgrade on these sides, as you have already a high quality switch/ ps combo. The lan isolator works better when you have a cheap switch. My experience with the Acoustic revive one. And it may also remove some dynamics.
However you can always try if you can send it back.

A high quality powerblock is a must.


Salut Monsieur FrenchRooster:

What is your Ethernet cable? BlueJeansCable and a short Chord Signature from the EE8 to my streamer.

What are you using as powerblock? Nothing right now(currently I use a decent power strip). When my wallet recovers after the Holidays this is likely to be my next HiFi purchase. I had been holding out for a Chord PwrBlock but I have no idea if it’ll finally land in North America.

I have my eye on a Furutech distrubution device now. I’m just realizing how important good clean power is to great SQ. Recently had an electrician replace a semi-defective circuit and the difference was noticeable.