English Electric EE1

Monsieur Marcus, je ne peux donc vous être d’aucune aide. ( I can’t help you, you know already :+1:)


Oui, mais j’espère que nous pourrons aider les autres!
(Hopefully we can help others)


You can look at the Eros Titan too. I enjoy it. One day maybe I will go for the M6.

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Yes, my Canadian french friend! Absolutely! Specially to spend their money :joy:

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Moi? Je suis juste un Amerloque!

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This is expensive but it’s the only Network item (switch, cable power supply etc) I have purchased that really made a substantial difference.

Network Acoustics ENO system


My NDS never understood what to do with it so had to return it. Made me think it do something outside the protocol of standards.

I did try that. It sounds excellent. But my ‘complicated’ alternative sounds marginally better to my ears.

We’re only talking about one extra switch & ethernet cable. All the non-Naim boxes are stashed in a separate room, so no visual instrusion either.

Obviously a whole lot of YMMV when it comes to streaming, but I’d say the general consensus on this forum is simpler is not always better. If I believed that, I’d be still be listening to Tidal via the Naim app vs. Qobuz via Audirvana, which is a substantial improvement IMO.

Ah, did I forget to mention that my EE8 is powered by half an Uptone JS-2 PS? :sweat_smile:
Again, marginally better for me than the supplied PS.

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Ja, I’ve heard it before, but not sure why it’s related to the current topic?

Your ‘simpler the better’ comment implied that adding extra elements to the chain is always detrimental. But no way to get Qobuz into an NDS without adding to the chain…

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Interesting, maybe I am missing something, but how does ‘adding’ or cascading multiple switches fix your Qobuz problem?

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Asus router → BJC → EE8 (Plixir LPS) → Audioquest Vodka → EE1 → BJC → ND5 XS2 → DC1 → nDAC (PS555 non-DR) → Vertere Redline → 552/500 non DR → Naca5 → DBL

EE1 stays :blush:


What is the comparatively expensive Vodka adding in that position?


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EE1 reduced noise and opened up soundstage, Vodka added body. Vodka was just laying around unused anyway. For the long Ethernet loom BJC is an excellent choice imho :blush:

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Thanks for sharing. EE1 sounds like the perfect stocking stuffer for me lol. I could add one(or two) and no-one would notice :slight_smile: . I would have thought the AQ Vodka and BJC would be reversed but I guess at this point in the chain it wouldn’t matter. Good stuff

Only marginally? It’s a very good lps, so I am surprised you found only minor improvements.
But each system is different….

“The EE1 improved clarity and definition. We’re certainly not talking night and day but for £250 it made a strong case for itself in terms of tidying up the sound”

A comment from a hifi dealer blog. Not sure if i’m allowed to mention their name here. Sounds like the differences being heard are perhaps, commensurate with the price.


My route is:
Gigaclear Mesh Hub / Router —> Chord C-Stream streaming cable —> TP-Link TL-SG105S Switch —> Chord Clearway streaming cable —> Chord EE8 switch —> Chord C-Stream streaming cable —> Chord EE1 —> Chord Shawline streaming cable —> Linn Klimax DS/3 Katalyst.

So far, so good. Not a night and day improvement, but a subtle improvement in definition.

I’ve got an IR Thermometer, so I’m going to start measuring the difference in temperature, when playing, to see if there is any.



All that excess noise converted into heat.

Could save on the heating bill - double whammy!

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This is really what I expected. And for £250 it would be unrealistic to expect a giant leap forwards.

Personally I’m at the point where any money spent on my hi-fi needs to make a significant enhancement to my listening pleasure in order for me to justify it. One can easily go along spending amounts like £250 thinking that it’s not really a lot, so I might as well have it. But these amounts soon mount up over a few years.

So I’ll probably pass on the EE1, unless I become desperate to spend some money.

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