English Electric EE1

I don’t. With the help of this forum and a few online reviews but primarily a mate I know has 2 of them I figured “why not!!”.

Streaming is my primary source. This little device is helpful for sure. After last night’s listening session and hearing more detail/clarity in a few favorite tracks, I can’t see myself returning it.


I also got the EE1 a little while back.

Connections are now;
Gigalear router —> Chord Clearway streaming cable (0.75m) —> Netgear GS105 network switch —> Chord Clearway streaming cable (15m) —> EE8 network switch —> Chord Clearway streaming cable (0.75m —> EE1 network noise isolator —> Chord Epic streaming cable (2m) —> Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub.

It adds a bit more clarity, so I too, will be keeping it.


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Do you really need the Netgear switch ? Have you tried without it? Just curious

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Unfortunately, yes. As it feeds Ethernet cable into other parts of the house as the router has only one spare socket.

Might look to get a better switch, not an EE8, but something more akin for Hi-Fi.

Any suggestions.


Maybe then try to daisy chain two EE8, it will sound better than one Netgear to EE8, and you will have enough outlets for other components in your house. My recommendation. If you accept it :smile:

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Do you mean swap the Netgear for another EE8, or do you mean to run a cable back from the EE8 to the upstairs switch.


Swapping the Netgear for the EE8, so you will have only 2 X EE8, no Netgear anymore.

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It would be less expensive to just add another EE1 network noise isolator right before his Netgear switch. :-). Everything plugged into the Netgear will benefit some…

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I may run a cable back from the EE8 to the upstairs switch.

A 15m cable would be even cheaper.



Following forum members positive experiences with the EE1 and the very positive review in The Ear magazine, I’ve bought an EE1.
It has improved the clarity and detail of my Tidal Hi-Res streaming compared to not having it installed when back to back testing.
As others have reported not night and day improvements but certainly better than the sound quality I previously had.


Hi MoonDrifter
I also use the Lumin P1, you might remember.
Where exactly are you inserting the EE1, between your router and the P1, or do you also use a switch?
Have you tried fibre with your P1?
I am using a Cisco 2960 between my router and P1, which allows me to convert to fibre.

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TBH I’m considering purchasing another one.

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I have the EE1 between my ISP Modem and the Lumin P1, no network switches in my system as I only have a basic network which is ISP Modem direct to my two streamers via two CAT6a Cables.
I’m using the Chord C-Stream Cable I got with the EE1 for the final connection to the P1 from the EE1 output.
I looked into the fibre optic connection for the P1 but the top spec ADOT Fibre Convertor, an upgraded LPS for the convertor plus the fibre optic cable and connectors were very expensive for the marginal improvement my Lumin Dealer said I would get over my basic copper home network, which would still be in the circuit, so I did not bother to pursue that option and now with the Network Noise Isolator I think I’ve now optimised my internet connection to the P1.
I guess I could put a far more expensive 0.75m network cable between the EE1 and P1, but I’m not too convinced that that will make too much of a further improvement for the large financial outlay required, so I will stick with what I have for now.
A Chord Epic Streaming Cable is @ AUD900 so its not cheap.


What for?

I ended up changing my Chord streaming cables to their higher quality ones.

Got them all secondhand from eBay. Took a while before I got all the ones I wanted, but it was worth the wait.

I found that you could pick cables for about half the cost of new ones. The quality and condition were good too, with no apparent damage.

Worth saving a search and see what comes up.



Thanks for that info MoonDrifter. I may try to get one for a home demo to compare to my current fibre connection.
I read on another forum that some people who tried fibre ended up switching back to copper Ethernet eventually.
I have also been reading good things about the EE8 switch.
All the components to try fibre cost less than $100, since I already had the Cisco.
The Module slips right into the SFP port on the far right. Cisco cost me $75 dollars used.
Oops, I think that photo is not the fibre insert, but you get the idea I hope.


That was my original motivation when I went for EE1; combine it with a 0.75m Clearway or Shawline cable, with the EE1 fed by my standard Cat whatever cable from my router. However, after extensive testing, I came to the conclusion that any permutation with a “standard” Ethernet cable upstream didn’t make enough of a difference to my ears to justify getting only the EE1. So as a proper audiophile, I ended up with the most expensive option of 5m Clearway–>EE1–> 1m Nordost Blue Heaven :sweat_smile:.

I should probably have bought an EE8 instead… which I am sure will happen one day when the appropriate one appears second hand! :innocent:


Something like the following:
(Router > ee1 > network switch > ee1 > Steamer)

I find the combination of an EE8 and EE1 to be very good.



To further reduce noise in the digital chain?

With no muffling of the sound or bad side effects in terms of sound quality?

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