English Electric EE1

That’s the hope. Reduce noise in the digital chain that I didn’t know I had.

I’m not sure I’ll do it to be honest as I’m very happy with the one EE1. I could likely use the extra money for beer instead! I really was skeptical about this product but a friend has 2 of them and he’s very happy with them.


If you google ‘ee1 hi fi news’ you’ll find the review in the Feb 24 Hi-Fi News mag.


I bought today the Adot fiber, 3 EE1 , and another PhoenixNet.
I will have: Router > EE1 > Cisco 2960 > EE1 > Adot > EE1> PhoenixNet > Chord Music 15 m > PhoenixNet > NDS. Should work :partying_face:


Mon Dieu!
Please let us know how this goes. Damn!!

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15m Chord Music?? :money_with_wings: :moneybag:

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I’ve got a Stack Audio SmoothLAN coming in a few days for my NDX2, but haven’t tried the EE1. I did try the Pink Faun filter but was underwhelmed. PF was equal or slightly less effective than my EMO Systems en-85e (at ~half the price).

My guess would be that’s a typo. Likely 1.5m


It looks like it’s available in 1m, 2m and 3m only

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The PN added nothing positive in my system. In fact it was detrimental.

I am still experimenting but the ee8 with a combination of Shunyata Sigma and Audioquest Diamond cables is very impressive. The onboard noise suppression negates the requirement for the ee1. Chord appear to be a long way behind in streaming cable technology.

If I can no longer find an effective location for mine it is going on e_mither. Not a bad device but blown away by the SR Sigma/AQ Diamond.


Not a typo, just a joke :joy::face_with_peeking_eye:


It’s not finished, I forgot to mention that I ordered 7 Siltech triple crown power cords to go for each item.


I thought so but you never know these days.


I purchased a single EE1 unit a couple of weeks ago. It came supplied with a short Chord C-Stream cable which I use to connect the EE1 to the wall socket and I use a Chord Shawline cable to connect the EE1 to my Melco Digital Music Library - which, in turn, connects to my Naim NDX2 via a short Melco ethernet cable.

My initial impression is that it has improved the sound quality (greater clarity) - although prior to adding the EE1 I was perfectly satisfied with this - and the improvement is sufficient for me to keep it.


Why did you get it then?

Satisfaction is a pleasurable state, so it seems only natural to crave more of it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

FWIW, I’m feeling reasonably satisfied with my latest setup of Router > EE1 > Innuos Zen 3 > EE8 > 100m of Chord Sarum > NDS.

I’d say the Zen 3 offered a step change in performance, while the EE1, EE8 & Sarum were incremental improvements.




I assume 10m not 100m

Sarum is 1m, 2m or 3m.

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All I know it’s expensive here in North America

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Bought a used Sarum from my dealer to have between my pre/power for $250, so it can be found cheap sometimes with a bit of luck. However, not North America :innocent: