English Premier League Season 2023/24

They were very ordinary for an hour and rode their luck. That’s winning teams for you, I guess…

Can I be the first to say Vinicius is a cheating little armhole ? The way he behaves, I have little sympathy if he gets abuse from fans.

It’s about time VAR was allowed to intervene when it comes to the blatant cheating that is done by the likes of him and Saka.

The game is dying because of this.


Yep. And Dortmund are only average too. Sadly the CL was a low quality tournament this year. Too many out of form teams.

They tried to make the game and were open as a result. 2nd half they tightened up and as ever, the longer it went on the more likely they were to win the game. Ancelotti probably the best there is. Think they’ve lost 2 of 56 games this year. League and ECL double. Simply the greatest club side ever.

The Dortmund goalie got V Jnr booked. Do you see BD cheating as equal to RM cheating and does everything in the end come down to moaning about the Gooners.

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As far as England are concerned, unlike most of the media, I don’t think Bellingham is the answer…yet. l hope he proves me wrong over the next few weeks.

I feel Kane, Foden and, possibly, Saka will be more important if we are to perform as well as we are forecast to do.

No on both counts.

You are so far away from the truth, you may as well give up guessing.

It was a missed opportunity for Dortmund tonight, but I think 6 CL wins out of the last 11 for RM shows that they know how to win. A deeply impressive record.


My own club (at a much lower level) is the exact opposite of RM. Give us a final and we’ll foul up. Some clubs, RM being the best example, just know how to win the big games. BD were excellent 1st half. Unlike RM they lacked whatever it is that sets the very best apart, to get over the line. Liverpool under Paisley, Mancs under Fergie had the secret ingredient.

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That’s wot I call proper banter



The Champions League final brings the curtain down on the 2023/24 season.

Thanks to everyone who contributed contributed to the thread, congratulations to those teams that won a trophy and who won promotion to the PL and commiserations to those who were relegated.

I’ll start the 2024/25 Premier League thread just before the summer transfers begin on June 15th so we can all have fun discussing and bantering one another’s teams moves in the transfer window.


Good man Bob. Have a great summer :+1:

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Cheers Bob

Well, I’m praying that Arsenal can resist raiding our squad after the 15th…

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Well city are on the attack……,

Glad they didn’t bother in the final


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Blimey, City have indeed gone full mental.

Claiming they’re challenging “the tyranny of the majority”.

I mean, wow!

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Unbelievable, they are totally challenging the lawfulness of FFP after they themselves signed up to the PL with FFP.

As a complete layman what I think they are saying is that the PL and FFP are firstly discriminating against state owned clubs from the Gulf States because all businesses from those Gulf states including football clubs are owned by the state so that any sponsorship by a business from the same state as the club sponsored breaks FFP rules around self sponsorship.

And secondly it’s not lawful for a third party ie the PL to dictate to a business wether or not it’s sponsorship of a club is financially worthwhile or indeed viable again I’m not a lawyer I’m just stating what I think the cheats lawyers are opposing.

There are numerous conflicting things here but first and foremost is that they themselves have benefitted from FFP because it has stopped clubs like Newcastle from dropping 3 or 4 billion pounds and outbidding them on every player they want even though prior to FFP that’s exactly what they did and then allegedly tried to cover it up.

It’s almost like they have admitted breaking the rules so that they can then legally challenge their right to do so and are amazingly seeking damages for lost revenue from sponsorship deemed not allowed under FFP.

They are in effect prepared to explode not only the PL but the whole football league to prove that the rules they have broken are actually illegal, If successful it will mean that not only can any club owner spend whatever they want to obtain success but also that any owner can gamble against future success by spending or borrowing against the possibility of success and then bankrupting the club if that success, promotion etc is not achieved and payments on loans cannot be made.

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I suspect, at a stroke, City have made themselves the most unpopular club in the country.


And their fans online are being very, very loud and vocal about the fact that this will finally prove they haven’t cheated. We will at least all find out a lot sooner as their case against the PL is due to be heard next week either they will succeed in proving the laws they have broken are wrong or that they are in fact guilty.

City have argued that they have suffered “discrimination” as a result of the new rules, alleging they amounted to a “tyranny of the majority”. The Premier League requires a majority of 14 clubs to impose new regulations. New rules brought in or amended after the Saudi takeover of Newcastle.

And by dragging the whole sordid mess into the law courts can it can be appealed and dragged through the courts for many years more on and on until one side cannot financially stomach anymore and an agreement is made out of court favouring the side with the most money?

I’ve also just read that City have invited other clubs to join in their lawsuit against the PL and their APT, Associated Party Transaction rules that will be interesting.


Another example of how professional football is eating itself. It’s not about the game, it’s about the money. Of course it is. City, Magpies, Todd, PL, UEFA, FIFA, the players too, it’s become all about fleecing others for their own benefit.

Perhaps this will be a good thing in bringing down the artifice and pushing the reset button.

Of course we could all just vote with our feet and wallets and stop watching.