English Premier League Season 2023/24

Perhaps it’s disgruntlement that one of the architects of the downfall of English football has been well “fooked” by an upstart who was not a member of the original “greedy big five” responsible for the whole debacle


This nothing to with disgruntlement as this sorry affair has nothing to do with football it is about control, it is about a group of people who have never been told no or you can’t being told no and you can’t.

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Bit like the Premier League then. Not a lot to do with football……more about money & the sheer greed of the few, at the expense of the many.

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Yes exactly the same you are exactly right

Don’t think Bob realised that ‘the few’ included Arsenal.

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So EPL clubs voted 19-1 in favour of keeping VAR (with improvements). Only vote against was Wolves. Who knew


Didn’t the cheats abstain rather than be a part of the Tyranny of the Majority.

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