Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

That’s what I think also sometimes… poor Ethernet port on the streamer … poor telegärtner

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They really feel fragile and sometimes it feels like they are a bit stuck. It’s scary


But they are not so fragile - the ports. The plugs might be with their locking mechanism… with good care you can switch cables

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Yes I know them and have built my own cables with them but never looked at them as fragile :blush: But their mechanism is a fiddle if it goes in deep in the product.

Are you directing this post to the OP @Dunc ,.or to me as it was posted after one of my posts.
The reason for the question is that there is no personal notification.

AND,.Peter Belt, well it wasn’t the proudest moment you Englishmen experienced, when this Englishman appeared on the hifi-arena :grin:.
BUT,.what that has to do with Dunc’s thread I don’t understand…
Maybe @Innocent_Bystander ,.who has “liked” the post can explain.

I am pleased Dan you have joined in.
I didn’t want to say anything about yesterday’s rushed test, as didn’t want to put words into your head about it all.
I am also glad you mentioned your lad, as he certainly has a good ear for music, plus he also plays instrument’s and so knows what instrument’s should sound like.
He was very knowledge about bass, and bass control.

He also was more on my side off it all.
But if nothing else it was interesting and the quick test, did actually reveal very much the same results i had spoken about.
What Dan has said isnt wrong, nor is what i have said. The 2 expensive cables are both very good, and what we are trying to do is find faults with them if you can.
I am sure if the test tracks had been played longer, as max it was 2 minutes off each track x 3 times, he might have had different feelings about them all.
I am also sure if i had started saying what i had heard and what bit to listen too in each track played, with each cable. Then Dan would have heard the difference more so, like the edge off a certain note sounding like it’s rolled off, rather than a sharper sudden stop,etc.
But by the time we did the test, the day was getting long and to be fair Dan was starting to look tired.
Anyway still a great day, and fun.
Plus it’s only a cable.

Cheers dunc


I can’t answer for @sean86, but I think when you past something, unless you specifically reply to someone else it appears to be directed to the last person to post. But I didn’t get the impression his post was targeted at anyone in particular, just a general observation.

I “liked” it because it made me laugh, Peter Belt’s recommended tweaks having to me been so ludicrous as to be laughable, though some people seemed to take them seriously. But the same challenge actually applies to every one of his ideas as it does to other tweaks (including cables and power supplies and supports etc): unless you actually try them, and under conditions of avoiding bias (whether positive or negative bias), how do you know whether or not they actually work? Anyway, if you want more information about what Sean meant you’ll have to wait for his response,

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From a previous post of Sean, he considers that all that discussion is rubbish. There’s only 0 and 1…


Now Neotech from wall to switch and from switch to streamer. Shunyata is completely out of the game here now. It’s been very interesting testing these cables and now I know what is best in this context.

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Just wait until I attach you with my Danish cables! :boom:


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
You don’t have a router in the chain…?

I have Neotech NEET-1008 in the whole chain….
Between incoming fiber-box and router, between router and switch, and between switch to streamer.

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Yes I have a router. Are you saying it makes a difference even there?

My router as on a different floor, in the basement. I have a cable routed from there to an outlet next to the stereo.

I guess if other cables make a difference, so will any fixed wiring…

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I guess so too.


We are helping the challenging financial market. Buy more cables!


I’ve just changed all my Ethernet cable from the Gigaclear Fibre Box to the Linn Selekt DSM; Edition Hub to be all the same CatSnake 6a (floating).

Also changed the Ethernet cable from the final Gs105 Network Switch to the TV.

Was a number of cables, including 2x 8m, 1x 10m, 2x 1m.

Has improved things visually as well as musically.



I’ve found that using the same cable throughout gives the best result too. Perhaps simply peace of mind by eliminating the variables, but if so, so be it.



Unless it’s Shunyata. The Omega from wall to switch and Sigma from switch to streamer was the worst result here in my stereo. The other way around was the next worst results. A combination of Omega and Neotech was better.