Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Why should any other cable be better than the perfect fit ansuz d2 (with add cable for noise reduction ballon)?
And the entreq? It is really good I think.

The sigma is in between diamond and omega.
Can say as I had all 3 tested in my system. Sigma less polite but more polite than diamond. If you ever come along a sigma - this might fit well

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Hi :slightly_smiling_face:ā€¦
Interesting conclusion in a long evaluation thread about some ethernet cables.

And me,.who sold my Audioquest Diamond :disappointed_relieved:.
This just goes to show how easy it is to go the right,.or wrong personal way when it comes to cables.
I can only congratulate you on coming to a conclusion,.which is right for you in your system :smiley:.

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Now listen my good lord,.I wonā€™t change anythingā€¦

I gave a statement about Neotech NEET-1008 Silver,.WHICH was based on the Swedish distributorā€™s information to me (which you are informed about).
NOW,.when you raise the question in more detail, I have informed you that I am passing the question on to the Swedish distributor for a clarifyingā€¦

:black_small_square:End of story,.until the Swedish distributor answers

My apologies if I damp down your boutique ethernet cable enthusiasm, but it reminds me of the whole Peter Belt things, if some of you are old enough to recall.


I would be surprised indeed since the D2 cable is a system that connects via a 3.5mm cable to my Powerswitch being active. But I got the opportunity since Iā€™m evaluating speaker cables mainly so it is ā€œsent alongā€ at the same time.

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I just placed an order on Auva EQ to evaluate under my D2 Powerswitch and Puritan 156 and Lindemann Bridge II. Ansuz make their own Darkz feet for all their products but they cost a lot new. Might grab them if a used set turns up. They look very similar to Auvaā€¦ All Ansuz products original feet are designed to match the Darkz feet.



On my visit to see @Dunc yesterday we tried 3 ethernet cables all tested blind by me and my son Harrison.

Dunc played his wonderful system with the cables tested blind so we couldnā€™t see them.

The Neotech didnā€™t sound as good in the two tracks played. It lacked the bass control and soundstage of the other two cables. It sounded more closed in, in comparison.

The Omega was my favourite and had resolved bass with wider soundstage. Sounded very fluid with great timing.

The Hemingway was very close for me but Dunc and Harrison both preferred it as they thought it had more control of the bass and a wider soundstage.

For me there wasnā€™t much in it with the Omega and Hemingway and Iā€™d have to have another listen to make a decision between the two.

I have Audioquest Vodka which is much cheaper but for me works well in my system.


Interesting. You seem to have the opposite opinion on how it sounds. @Dunc said it has loudness and is too forward sounding. You think it is closed in. Itā€™s interesting how we listen differently since this is in the same system.

maybe itā€™s just that you use different language to describe the same thing. But he also thought the Omega was too laid back and boring which sounds very different to very fluid with great soundstage.

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Enough of cablesā€¦ā€¦was it a good curryšŸ˜‰


By the way I put the cable that it says Odin on back in from wall to switch and am very surprised and have to say it works better than the Omega. I did not expect that since the Omega sounded so good :scream:

Now what I heard in the beginning that the Omega and Sigma are choked up is again confirmed, in my system. That goes to show how fast I get used to a certain sound. :grimacing: :grin:

Personally I think it is super difficult to make rapid changes back and forth. I have to live with a change for a few days and then the difference is easier to hear once you swap back. Switching simultaneously between 3-4 cables and flip around a number of tracks makes my brain explode :exploding_head: The rapid ABCD testing would likely work better if I had a remote that could switch between products but the step in leaving the seat, pick the next product up, remove the one thatā€™s in, put in the new one, go back to the seat, find same tracks and start all over is very risky since the audio memory is so short and need to settle in.


Was Pizza in the end. The curry house was closed!

Yes not to mention the risk that you are destroying the connections. Iā€™m done now. I donā€™t wish to destroy any of the connectors


The test was blind so we had no idea what cable was which. Put simply the Omega and Hemingway sounded better to us all than the Neotech. We thought the Omega and Hemingway were in a different league.

Descriptions aside that was the result of the test.

The test was difficult as cables were going in and out and I found I was quite tired by it all as we had been listening to music for along time.

My son Harrison is 16 but does some music production and his ears are better than mine. He has a good ear and preferred the Hemingway.



It is really difficult. This is why my son Harrison with his young ears was so good and hearing the differences.

I just felt that the Omega had the edge for me but not by much.

Harrison and Dunc both prefer the Hemingway. Obviously itā€™s gonna sound different on another system and another room.

We did the test in the only way possible given the time factors. Dunc was showing his system and what it can do. He is very technical and has better ears than me. My right ear isnā€™t as good as my left.

If I was contemplating the two cables then I would spend some time with them both and see where I was at.

I think Dunc had decided yesterday what he liked but that may have changed!

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This will be really interesting to follow. I wrote earlier in the thread briefly about my positive experiences with AUVA EQ.

AND,.compared to other feet (as you write) they are actually cheapā€¦


I agree, it can give you quickly a headache.
You need to concentrate, then stand up, change the cable, and so on.


Absolutely impossible in my opinion, this as a newly installed cable sounds completely different already after an hour in the systemā€¦
I have written about this earlier in the thread so I wonā€™t repeat myself,.other than to say againā€¦

:large_blue_diamond: ā€œSettle-timeā€ā€¦!!

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