Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Nope, he’s just doing his job in trying to sell me more cables and he trust his brand :slight_smile: I don’t think it’s unique in any way. Just look at Dunc in this thread and the cables they throw at him :slight_smile:

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Wow I never heard of Hemingway cables before so I found their website. They do some speaker cable at £60k for 3m (I’d need at least 4m so £80k!), and an analogue interconnect for £38k

I’m out of my league here!

Wife: I see we have some spare cash, shall we get one of those new electric Porsches?
Me: Nah, I’ve my eye on a bit of wire


Are you on Shunyatas payroll? :joy:

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It probably looks like the sigma would be a better cable for me over the omega.
The slightly laid back feel this cable has is apparent, especially in this company.
It’s certainly on par with the hemingway in all the main area’s, just a shame it’s a bit polite.

I guess this hemingway cable will be slightly more resolving than the sigma, without the polite SQ of the omega.
It certainly fits in well in my system i feel.

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I can’t really comment on the Omega as I’ve only heard it in an unfamiliar system. I must admit I find it really hard to pigeon hole the Sigma because it’s so balanced and capable at everything I feed it. It has the ability to morph itself to what ever type of music you fancy listening to. It sounds as spectacular on jazz as it does on classical music and it does the same with rock. Like you said the Shunyata’s just make it so easy to listen to music. Every time I try to describe what they do I just think organic and analogue. I just struggle to describe it as anything else.

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The omega is a fantastic cable and certainly better than the audioquest diamond, i would certainly have it over diamond, as it has a much nicer tone and refinement.
It’s just that the hemingway has what the omega has, without the laid back quality.
Knowing that the sigma isn’t quite as refined as the omega, i doubt it would stand up to the hemingway even if it lost the laid back quality.

Anyway i will continue my studies and have a second opinion on it all Saturday.


Sure, but do consider what you are hearing is the interaction from the connecting equipment rather than the cable itself and therefore will very if not entirely equipment related.
The other consideration for connection into analogue audio equipment such as an analogue output streamer, where Ethernet interaction is audible, is that you want to be considering the longest cable possible, and probably as a minimum 5 metres (though 100 m will likely ‘sound’ best but almost certainly impractical) , and also around 24 SWG cables or narrower. The narrower the better. The aim is to create the biggest acceptable voltage drop, to reduce the extent of any coupled noise. This is where wi-fi or direct fibre connection has the advantage of course.


On the subject of comparing things Alan Shaw Harbeth have made an interesting publication available on YouTube.

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You could remove the switch entirely and go directly if your cables are long enough. See if the bloated bass goes away.

That’s the same text that’s on the homepage. I guess my English isn’t good enough to understand texts such as that one. I understand some of it. Also it might be on a technical level I don’t get or I’m just old and tired :sweat_smile:

It’s not complicated to fabricate powerful stories that might not be the reality :sunglasses:

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I would need a much longer cable to do, plus have to run through the melco for that to work for me.
This is how i ran my system before the phoenixnet and it’s better with the phoenixnet as i tried removing the phoenixnet a few months ago after fiber was installed, it didn’t work, the phoenixnet soon went back in.
It’s obvious the bloated bass is caused by the cable, as it’s only there when that cable goes in.

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Well obviously.
That’s why you want kit like pre amp’s, amp’s, cables etc, to be as natural as they can be and just disappear, and let your source or sources really show what they can do.
As if not you are listening to what the other stuff is doing and not the source.
As you probably already know, i have experienced that all to well, and have changed my kit to eliminate as much as i can, so i can get to hear what my dac can achieve.
I guess cables are now just fine tuning my system to my taste.

Cheers dunc

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I did not say that the sigma is less refined than the omega. It is in the bass region - refinement omega brings here is not from this world. Sigma was more resolving in the hf range - a quite hiss in the music was better - breathing voices… but texture in bass - that was omega. In the mids the omega is on par with sigma with a bit darker (laid back) sound.
Compared to other cables both shunyata cables are very relaxed and natural without being boring or less speedy and pushy. Sigma is more upfront.
As @Geko and I feel the same on this „box upgrade“ like wire, it is really worth a look !

Please share your thoughts when you listen together with @Dan_M the man :blush:

I can relate to the bloated bass. When I plugged in Goldnote P-1000/PSU-1250/PA-1175 I felt I got too much bass or bass that was too “round”. At the time I had a “warm” power cable on the PN so I changed it to a more neutral power cable and the bass was then fine. It just goes to show how sensitive these things are. A foot note: I’m buying the Goldnote-combination. It’s better than 252/Supercap Dr/250DR. It’s possibly like what you have experienced going from the old Naim amplifiers to something more modern. It’s just better :grin:. Less noise, more music!:blush:

Are you SURE?


It’s not surprising that Neotech works fine with Goldnote. Goldnote is quite the opposite of Naim in the sounding character. Polite, laid back, with nice tones.

Like Italian chocolate ice cream?

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Neotech works great with my Naim too