Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Hm having second thoughts :face_with_monocle: this one is also broken.

Have you heard the P-1000/PSU-1250/PA-1175 combination?I wouldnā€™t describe the sound as laid back. But nice tonality I agree.

I would describe my Naim system as very good but bright and a bit rough around the edges. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s noise. Itā€™s midfocused and leaves out some of the energy in the bass region.

The Goldnote is cleaner with a more detailed or higher resolution sound. It also has that gorgeous midcentered sound which I love but has the energy in the bass regions.

The interesting thing with these cables is that as wires carrying digital music none of them can actually increase resolution, increase bass, etc. Any such observed effect can only be through a reduction of negative effects such as may be caused by extraneous analog noise either being picked up or not being suppressed, that then modulates the DAC to modify the resultant audio. And as others have noted, the effect will vary according to the specific equipment fed, and the entire attached network, and likely the electromagnetic environment through which the network runs, and that is before personal preference comes into it!

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Most likely, although some are blissfully ignoring the obvious.

Well Iā€™ve been on about noise suppression and slew rate to explain what makes the Neotech a good cable. I might be reading you wrong since I dont fully understand what you are writing. The point about the Neotech is itā€™s geometry and materials used makes for a very good digital connection since the slew rate is very fast. It rises from 0 to 0,8 much faster than the Shunyata Omega but since the Shunyata has a filter making the signal cleaner the DAC has an easier time seeing when itā€™s zeros (0) and ones (0,8). I donā€™t remember if itā€™s millivolts or volts. This is not my trade but something that has been explained to me. Anyway if you reduce noise it will be easier for the DAC to read when itā€™s a zero or a one and since the Neotech is faster it adds up to less jitter which is better I suppose. Have I understood this correctly? Then of course there might be other types of noise that passes through making the switch very important. If you have a good switch you can get rid of the noise and then the Neotech should be the better connector. It sure measures like that and when done right it also makes the systems itā€™s been tested in sound better than the Shunyata Omega according to those here in Sweden (which I am referring to) that has tested. Itā€™s a group of hi-fi aficionados. This is not a universal result as you know. There are a few here on the forum that donā€™t get the Neotech to sound as good or better than the Shunyta Omega.

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I heard once a Goldnote system. Itā€™s different from Naim. Nicer midrange, more fluid, but without that urgency and grip of Naim.
It was a few years now, but read some reviews on it which say relatively the same. But I donā€™t say itā€™s inferior. Just different. The midrange is richer vs Naim.


You gave me the desire to get out from my house and buy an Haggen Daas with vanilla and caramelised brownies.
Bad guy! I am trying to loose weight actually. :joy:


Excuse us El Professor to be so ignorant.


My post recognised that noise can cause differences in sound, though I donā€™t think it has anything to do with the DAC being able to ā€œseeā€ the digits, and I believe (but I would bow to the better knowledge of members more technically knowledgeable about digital trampnsmission), that part of Neotechā€™s blurb is purely marketing gobbledegook as any ethernet cable meeting the appropriate specification and test requirements will transmit the data perfectly adequately and no improvement in rise time etc will make any difference to data receipt. Rather it is likely to be the noise modulating the audio somehow within the DAC that causes audio degradation, and changing noise can change the degradation. But indeed ethernet cables (and switches) can vary in how well they prevent noise pick up, and/or reduce noise already in the signal, and that is how cables can cause the sound to be different, my point being that the cable does not and cannot itself increase detail (etc), but if noise has caused the DAC to effectively loose detail then stopping that noise will enable it to be heard. (

And as a technicality though not material to this discussion, it is not the DAC that receives and has to recognise the ethernet signal and has to recognise the digits as Neotech suggests, but the rendering stage of the streamer or standalone transport.)

Neotech doesnā€™t say any of this. Itā€™s me with a bad memory from what Iā€™ve been told by a friend of mine. Sure itā€™s the receiver in the streamer that gets the signal.

I will sympathise with you and have my own ice cream today then. In it together! :icecream:


Well, guys, whatever it is, out of the cables i have here, the neotech for me gives me the worst sound.
I am only really interested in what they sound like, or do in my system.
I would say i have a very good ethernet, as the sound quality i get from streaming is easily as good as the rips i have on my melco, and this wasnā€™t like that in the past, as the streaming side was always behind the rips.


Iā€™m with you on that one Dunc. Iā€™m surprised that anyone would prefer what the Neet 1008 does over Sigma, Omega, Hemingway or any of these highly resolving ethernet cables once youā€™ve actually heard them in a big system. They are so much more natural, nuanced and real sounding that comparisons with the Neet just seems a bit pointless. I think we are all looking for the great value ā€˜underdogā€™ that trounces the expensive stuff but in the world of hifi that seems to be a very rare event, and Iā€™m afraid that Neet isnā€™t one of them!

Iā€™m not disrespecting what the Neet cable does in its respective price bracket as I actually think it boxā€™s slightly above its weight but that all.


We had one yesterday with a flake and very nice too.

Iā€™m now sitting in the Sin Bin, trying to make up for it.



Iā€™ve recently done an Ethernet cable test against Chord Signature X, Epic and Clearway vs CatSnake Cat6a (Floating).

The winner, for me was the CatSnake.

Having tried boutique and expensive cables over the years, this now, is as far as Iā€™m going with Ethernet cables. Keeping it simple now.

The ā€œNeotech Promotorā€ is doing a good job of promoting them, but the more I read, the more Iā€™m being put off.

Itā€™s been interesting @Dunc reading your write up, thank you for that.

I think with any system, even if identical kit, cables, switches, etc. are used each will sound different due to a myriad of circumstances. And thatā€™s the nice thing with our hobby, so many things to play with, but at the end of the day, there comes a time when you just need to stop, listen to the music and enjoy what we have.

I think that I may be getting there.



I see it much like this
The neotech cable is like a red bull drink, it will boost you up and give you a kick.
The omega is like a like an old brandy, warm, silky, and just comfortable to sip at.
Hemingway is like water, neutral, and goes well with just about everything.

You take your pick which one you find best, or feel your system might be needing to gain more balance.

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For me i feel the decision will be do i go for say the hemingway or do i just go back to what i was using.
The thinking behind this is, the audioquest is probably the closest sounding to the hemingway, it canā€™t quite match it, but at the same time itā€™s not hugely different. So valve for money needs to be considered here.
Ā£2700 for the hemingway or about Ā£1000 for a .75 meter audioquest diamond to go between melco and switch, and put my existing diamond back where it was.

This is my new question to work out.
It will be interesting to see what Dan thinks, as i might just plug all 3 in and just swap them at the dac, and not tell him which is playing , and see what he comes up with.


A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips!

(and embedded as toxic sludge in the walls of your arteries). :pleading_face:

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Also throw in an el cheapo ethernet cable on the blind test

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From PN you can only have 3 cables going out (2 when server connected)