Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Just picked up an AQ Diamond my dealer has as a trade in. Will try in a few positions against my Vodka suite of cables.


That will be really interesting - did the same and preferred the diamond

See that you use Morgana DIN-DIN. Have one as spare and am struggling if I should keep it. Currently using SL.
Have you tried SL against Morgana

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I have already had 3 different cables running from it, and just using qobuz.
This then is very easy to just swap them on the dac, andgo again.
Plus doing this way itā€™s quicker, and you wouldnā€™t be able to see whatā€™s running unless you look down the back to see whatā€™s plugged in.
Dan should be here very soon, so will ask if he wants to try it.

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Not directlyā€¦ā€¦.i tried SL too many times, including a full loom and felt in my system and room acousticsā€¦ā€¦at best it did nothing?
Hence i tried and bought WH Morgana. To me cables are room/tuning to the person,

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Do remember that even before preference comes into it the effect will vary with streamer or transport/DAC and with whatever else is attached to the network and with the specific electromagnetic environmentā€™ and ut is not the cable that resolves more - it canā€™t - but where there is noise causing degradation a better cable would reduce the degradation and so improve the sound, but if noise was absent or the equipment fed was immune or with sufficiently high rejection to not be affected then the cable would make no difference. And with different equipment even being equally susceptible, and with the same amount of noise, the effect of noise on the resultant audio may sound different, so the effect of different cables modifying the noise in their various ways could result in different audible effect in different systems.

On this basis it is hardly surprising that people have different preferences, or nay hear negligible difference even with highly resolving systems. People really have to try for themselves, though ig can certainly be interesting to read of othersā€™ experiences, and the likelihood of similar audible effect us much higher where people have identical streamers or transports and DACs.

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Ohohoho, indirected proposalā€¦.:joy:

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Come on ā€¦ no ā€¦ not in any second meant as that


I am a bad guy :policewoman::guardswoman:


Electromagnetic noise is never absent down at the electron scale in a cable when electricity is passing through it.

Indeed, and I wasnā€™t actually suggesting it would be, just keeping it simple for the purchases of clarity. It is also unlikely that any cable could completely avoid pick up of any noise at all, or filter completely out any noise on the signal, and I donā€™t know if complete immunity of DACs is possible .

Got a few Shunyata cables to try. Have tested them all in different positions and combinations alongside the Neotech Neet-1008

Cables are Shunyata Theta (a new cable), Sigma and Omega



Is your testing made with GN or Naim? Write damn it! :sunglasses:


GN and they are not polite or laid back at all.

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Come - lets go :wink:


2h and countingā€¦ā€¦. :smiley: Buy some fiskpinne and write now!

The Theta didnā€™t last longšŸ˜

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Please the DD ( Dan and Dunc), report your afternoon before going to restaurant :smile:


Where is your review?

Patience is a virtue :grin:

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I also have a Shunyata THETA for a couple of days in test with my Audioquest Vodka. Very different sound signature.