Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

I take it as it is how it sounds best in your system. Nothing more and nothing less. The Neotech works better than the Sigma and Omega when you have a good enough switch. Obviously the standard PN isn’t good enough. As I have said I have a modified PN that doesn’t sound like the original.

And as I said both the Sigma and the Omega are very, very good cables to have from the wall to the switch. My system never sounded this good before. They have that lovely analogue sound some of you have been talking about😊

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Yes and so should yours be. They make very good cables😊

Now you are overdoing it! Not biased? When Neotech is not the better cable, which is in no system except yours, only other components are faulty.
Who wants a cable which needs 1000h burn in and a technician to modify my equipment to make it sound as it should?


Point given - I like sigma … but only liking :wink::blush:

Here on this forum it’s not better. But it’s been tested in a lot of other systems where it has also been the best and not just the extreme hi end ones. However you are right that it is a problem that the PN needs to be modified to be good enough. Perhaps the Anzus or Melco is good enough. I don’t know though because I haven’t tried them. I think @Peder has a Pura switch which he thinks is good enough. Maybe there are other switches too. The PN is now becoming a bit old and the EE8 is a simpler product.

What? No love :heart:?:joy:

I don’t know your system but i see you have a nds. I very much doubt that your dac is getting a less noisy signal than what dac is receiving.

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I have a Lindemann streamer as receiver and only use the NDS as DAC.

The modified PN is a lot better than the original one.

So what have you done to the PhoenixNet

Oh I wish I could do stuff like that. It’s a friend of mine. I would have to ask him and get back to you. But he has mentioned it’s 38 changes if I remember correctly.

It’s his switch. He hasn’t done it for me and I believe he has done these modifications over a few years and has at the same time tested it in many different systems from our kind of medium hi end (or what ever they should be called) to real hi end systems. I’m only borrowing the switch and it will be a day of grief when I have to return it next week.

O right
Nothing a firm has done then, it’s a DIY job.

I have n.2 Vodka, the first between Nas and switch and the second between the switch and NDX2. Using both Vodka makes the sound too much shouty and in your face, a little bit fatiguing. I swapped the Vodka between NAS and switch with Shunyata Theta and the sound became more analogue, natural, less punchy but more linear. I have the Shunyata by a couple of days. I need more time to test it against my other cables (Vodka, Furutech LAN-8 and Catsnake (floating))


He is not your regular DIYer :blush:. I don’t know if it makes any difference for you but he builds an amplifier that now has been sold to 3 systems replacing for example the MSB M500. Just to give you an idea of the level he is working on. Trying to get some credibility here :grin:. It’s hard work let me tell you :sweat_smile:

Its hard to see 38 things to swap inside the PhoenixNet?

Well he most likely adds things too. But I do see some 70 components in there😁. But what difference does it make. Don’t you believe it’s true?

You should just take the lid off and take a pic, so we can see, especially if it’s makes it so much better, i am sure ever PhoenixNet owner would be interested to see what he has done.

I’m sure they would but I would have to consult with him first as it’s his modification. I wouldn’t want to do something that he doesn’t want me to do. Of course someone that buys his modded variant can take a picture and post online but it’s highly unlikely that will ever happen. That said it might be a trade secret what he has done.

Well i cant see him messing with the main board, so that only leaves the already very good mr jaycob’s power supply to mess with ?

Im sorry but I couldn’t tell you much about what has been done. The power supply has been modified yes.

Ok not to worry then.
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