Ethernet cable test, 4 cables go head to head

Maybe you can send yours to him and let
Him modify yours and see what you think :grin:

I am fine with how mine is thanks

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That Omega cable is incredibly good here from wall to switch. It’s better than the Sigma and I think I’d pay the extra if I was in the market for a Shunyata Ethernet cable.

What is your interest in the modifications then?

I think the interest lies in creadability. No offense - but there a several systems from (unknown to us) users, where Neotech is so much better.
In contrary what in the forum is written.
PN is modified… also in a „mysterious“ way.
I believe you - but you do not make it easy to do so :wink:


Oh…and you forgot that the PN needs a £9,500 power cord to sound any good with the Neotech!

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To see what’s been done to it, that’s supposedly inpoved it.
Just curious really.
But for me if i felt the switch wasn’t working for me i would sell it and get a better one if possible. Modified gear, especially stuff that’s not from a well regarded firm for doing such stuff isn’t for me, and has probably actually made it impossible to sell, unless i get lucky.


Look I just presented my results here and obviously had to and have to defend them. Which is kind of silly. I have said all the time that one needs to manage noise to get the best out of the cable. I tested and am testing the Shunyata cables since it seemed the right thing to do if I should have an opinion of them but now when I have done so no one of you seem to value my findings. Isn’t that strange? I’m also telling you that what you hear in your systems is not the Neotech cable. It is noise from your front end. The Shunyata Sigma and Omega effectively filters that noise. Surely you know that since you can see the filter boxes. That’s why tha shunyata cables work so well in your systems. The Hemingway I know nothing about and can’t explain why it works better than both the shunyata Omega and the Neotech in Duncs system.

In my system where noise is effectively handled the Shunyata cables sound choked and don’t work as well as the Neotech. They do however work very well before the switch and they make the sound very, very good. Especially the Omega.

It was very interesting that Dan and his lad straight away pick up on the poorer sound quality we got with the neotech.
The omega and hemingway split, Dan was omega and his lad the hemingway.
His lad had the same thought’s about the hemingway as i did.
With Dan saying not much between then, whilst his lad thought the difference was greater, like myself.
At no point did i give any hints to what i thought, it was only after i heard what they had to say, did i tell them what cable was what, or my thought’s.


Very nice - would have liked to join you :blush:

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Just to add, i don’t really care which one sounds the best in anything other than my system.
This is more a test to highlight what you may also find happening in your own system, something you can read, and maybe be useful going forward to whether you try said cable or not.
To say this cable will only work if your network is completely silent or whatever is just laughable to me.
Everything will be better with less unwanted noise, and every cable would benefit from it, not just the neotech.
Plus my vivaldi upsampler/streamer is already excellent at dealing with noise, and that’s before you start adding switches, etc.

The neotech is a fantastic cable for the money, but when you compare it to the really god cables, then unsurprisingly it gets showed up, and you can then pick it out quite easily.

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Why should there be more noise in our systems. Some of us have very expensive (noise reducing) stuff installed.
There should not be any noise reaching the non-modified PN.
From my experience, noise was off after both switch and server had LPs. Maybe I was wrong … maybe sigma made it silent. If so - fine!

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I disagree. The Shunyata cables gets shown up when the system has better noise handling. Then they sound choked.

Another day maybe, but most are welcome here.
I think you will find Dan was completely blown away today with my streaming / dac i have.

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You keep saying the I have noise from my front end but my front end is an ND555 with two 555DR power supplies and powerlines running via a dedicated spur. All earths are in a star configuration and that even includes the five earthing rods in the garden. I have fibre to the property with a 3m run of BJC to a BT hub2 sitting on its own isolation table with a Chord ground array in the back. Then another 3m of BJC to a brand new Farad Super 3 power supply with a SR quantum purple fuse. I have the updated Farad 5v power connection with the Farad and EE8 switch on a dedicated Fraim. I can promise you that in my system Catsnake sounds more balanced than Neet 1008 and the Sigma is in a different league despite the filters on the Sigma. Maybe when your front end gets a bit more transparent you’ll be able to hear how poor the Neet really is?


Yes - choked… for your ears only… („singing with sheena Easton melody)

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I just find the omega sounding slightly laid back, other than that it’s fantastic


But remember everything else in the setup is significant, so you can only make that conclusion for yourself, with the equipment you used, your specific network, and the electromagnetic environment in which it sits. Other people may find completely different.


Thanks! I am really tired of this „Neotech-melody“…
It is so against all my virtues as a scientist!

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Yes you have very good front end. It’s great you get a good result with your Sigma. It is a very good cable. No doubt about it.