Ethernet connection within house?

The magic did not work with my BT Wifi Disk.

I tested ping, download and upload rates on various browsers and 2 different speed test websites upstairs in all 4 bedrooms of my 10 year old detached house with the Wifi disk on and off, using 3 computers, a smart TV, and a smartphone - and in every case the results were the same or worse with the BT WiFi Disk on!

So it went back.

I then allowed BT to transfer me to EE Broadband at a lower monthly price than I was paying previously but with 500 MBPS instead of my previous 150 MBPS.

So not a bad result overall.

The BT system uses a wireless mesh… it really works best when the discs can hand off between themselves, and works very well for many.
However if you need something more performant, then use a WLAN solution where the APs are connected via Ethernet to a switch or switches… that works super well. Ubiquiti amongst others provide solutions for this… the added benefit with many of these systems you can power the APs via PoE via the Ethernet cable. Cuts down wiring and clutter, always a good thing for reducing electrical noise.
It’s what I use in my house, and it just works everywhere including the garden…(though I have a little wireless mesh AP for the garden/patio near the house.)

The whole system dynamically and automatically adjusts itself to optimise for WLAN usage at any time… fascinating watching on its management portal. The days of wifi not spots and family groans in the house and around the house have long since been banished.

Multiple overlapping APs is also good for EM matters and electrical/RF noise as well greater performance, as lower power is used by client and AP and there is less propensity for interference from neighbouring wifi setups… which can be an issue with a single AP doing its best to blast throughout your house… not usually a great idea.


‘QoS ‘ happens at two levels, layer 2 and layer 3, and it comes into its own where there is congestion, but, and a big but, it needs to carefully set up at layer 2 both on clients and switches. Most consumer products don’t support DSCP or WMM on wifi, though Ubiquiti APs support a fixed WMM profile.
For layer 3 QoS on public networking, ie the internet is of limited benefit, unless you have congestion on your router… and again you would need to set up and configure and I suggest this is beyond the vast majority as this primarily a SOHO consumer product. Also the architecture and protocols used for UPnP and streaming in most consumer products are designed not to need QoS for the domestic user.
Some consumer/SOHO products can shape throughput on WLANs for certain networks.

One thing the BT /EE Superhub has that is super helpful for the Naim app is an inbuilt IGMP verifier… no config or setting required it just does it. This makes the Naim app more responsive when looking for UPnP servers and endpoints.

In that case, I wish BT had sent me more than one WiFi Disk as the one disk was useless.

When I told BT the Disk made no positive difference, they did not suggest sending more Disks.

I still have my BT Smart Hub 2, but now I have EE Broadband 500mbps - although I’m still in the cooling off period so could revert to BT Fibre Broadband if I wanted to, AFAIK.

Not sure whether the EE Wifi Disks are compatible with my BT Smart Hub 2?

Hi Jim,
We have installed BT Whole Home WiFi in a couple of the family’s homes.
It contains 3-4 discs and seems to work very well in both cases.

Hope this helps, BF


Can you remember why you chose BT Whole Home WiFi instead of BT Complete Wifi?

Was it because the kit or software is better on BT Whole Home WiFi?

Or because BT Whole Home WiFi has a one-off charge, whereas BT Complete WiFi has an on-going cost?

Also, does BT Whole Home WiFi involve plugging in Disks around the house with Ethernet cables connected back to the router - or are the Disks just connected to each other and the router via WiFi - or a mix of both?


Hi Jim,
One house has a BT twisted pair copper phone line, the other a Virgin media fibre connection.
In each case, we wanted to fit a WiFi modem and WiFi mesh network, so just paid up front for the hardware. No need for direct debit subscriptions.
The disks only need plugging into the mains and need to be in WiFi range of each other. Only the first disk connects to the incoming cable.
The equipment is probably the same in both cases, so it comes down to how you prefer to pay.

Best regards, BF

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The Whole Home solution (with whit discs) is a general wireless mesh system that other than Premium can be Ethernet connected to a switch. You can purchase outright or I believe rent.

There has now been replaced by BT Complete Wifi which is BT specific and integrates with the SH2 for an improved performance apparently. These are black discs I believe can only be rented. You can use the Ethernet port for backhaul/switch connectivity.

Back to the older Whole Home product It appears you can join two BT Whole Home Premium discs together by connecting the Ethernet ports between two discs… but not back to your router switchports. (Which I find curious)

However BT Whole Home and Mini Whole Home, can have all discs connected together by a switch or router switch ports or simply wirelessly.

Finally it appears BT Whole Home has been discontinued and succession products are suggested as Google Nest and TP Link if you don’t wish to use Complete Home with the SH2

I personally would recommend Ubiquiti wifi APs… they are rock solid and don’t try and be clever on your network which can trip some applications up.


Why not go wi-fi on the TV? This would potentially cut down noise to the hi-fi and increase performance.

Our TV, Blu ray player Apple TV box are within a metre or so of our BT SH2 / EE8 switch and were originally via ethernet as this was easy to do. Going wireless on these however I detect no loss of performance at all and it improves the hi-fi.

I seem to recall you saying that you had substituted the BT supplied P/S for something else. My experience suggests strongly that this is a bad idea and sticking with the BT P/S is best. YMMV but I suggest that you at least try it - you may be in for a pleasant surprise.

BT Complete Wifi (black discs) can only be used with BT SmartHub2.
BT will add one or more to your package as either a contract price or free as part of their whole home commitment.
I had BT add one as part of their commitment. I have it in an upstairs bedroom (office) to improve signal in the corner of the house beyond that location but specifically to get a signal in the kitchen & garage/workshop.
It works well, you initially connect with a short ethernet to handshake with the hub, then place it where required in the house.
All TV’s although aerial coax connected, are wifi enabled, as is everything else in the house, only ethernet is Naim and NAS, plus Hive hub (ZigBee transmitter).
For me it’s faultless.

Good ideas.

I will try them both.


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Thanks, Mike.

That’s useful info and ideas.

The router is no worse with the official BT psu on it than the iFi from a sound quality point of view.

So I think I’ll leave it in for the time being.

I’ve swapped the iFi psu and the BT one twice now and it doesn’t make much difference.

I doubt that I could reliably hear the difference in a blind test.

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I’ve got bt complete WiFi with three discs in different parts of the house backhauled via Ethernet and switch to the router. Internet connection not great only 40mbps download and ping all over the place. Think it’s got worse since I connected them with Ethernet rather than wirelessly for some reasons! Thinking of going full fibre with gigaclear as only option where I live.

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Then I would definitely stick with the BT PSU. The router is certified to be in spec. with regards to various emissions with this PSU and you are ensuring that your router is performing correctly.

I haven’t tried an iFi PSU as I couldn’t source an adapter as discussed before. But I’m wary of them as I once tried one of their mains purifiers in a moment of madness and it sounded awful. Their PSU’s do contain some filtering apparently so that’s why I’m wary of them.

As I say, YMMV but if no appreciable difference then sticking with the BT PSU seems sensible IMO.


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The logistical challenge of bringing a fibre cable from the road to my new (to me) house meant that I was unable to sign up with BT/EE (they don’t seem to know who they are these days!) nor Sky and Virgin is not available in my area. The local company Fibrus have provided 2 Nr eero 6E wireless thingies. Due to dense masonry construction etc I have bought another three 6Es and find this provides a robust signal throughout the house without the need for cables (other than the power cables for the 6Es).

I haven’t yet managed to set up my stereo and hoping that I can simply ethernet connect to the nearest eero box when the time comes. Grateful if any pitfalls between these and music are known about and can be shared here.


I have just moved from BT Fibre Broadband to EE 500mbps Fibre Broadband, and so far kept my BT Smart Hub 2.

I am wondering whether to now ask EE to send me their latest hub, which I think is called the EE Smart Hub Plus.

Or perhaps I should buy a third party hub, such as from Ubiquity, Draytek or similar?

Or get an EE Hub just as a modem and a third party router too?

I always recommend the ISP router device associated with the service, at least for quality ISPs. BT and EE are the same organisation, just different market branding, however EE is the brand and the services being more associated with consumer services now, so there will be more of an evolution to current and evolving consumer services coming under the EE brand.
If you are using an EE service, I would ask for the EE Smart Hub Plus.
I know the BT SH2 is a powerful and effective device, from what I have seen and measured… I have no personal experience of the EE Smart Hub Plus, but I suspect it’s sufficiently capable and effective.

I am another user of Unifi. I hardwired into the main rooms to connect TV’s for streaming, sons room for gaming etc. WiFi indoors and out. Simple to set up and just works.

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