Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

you could also try two cisco with SFP modules. The long distance of fiber optic is easier to hide. @ChrisSU have done that.

Iā€™m sitting here mulling this over and might have come up with a better idea.

I run my system on Roon with a NUC based Nucleus+ equivalent as Core which has a 2TB SSD with all my ripped and downloaded music on it. I also stream through Qobuz. I get c70mb download so no network or internet issues.

What I might try is moving the Core to the ND555 end of the long cable run and running that from the switch to the ND555 so effectively the long run will only be carrying the internet connection albeit with the Qobuz stream but everything will still be on the network.

Donā€™t forget that the audio is all completely contained in the digital part of the electrical signal, all the rest is just shaped noise. So the Cisco switch can read the digital part of the signal and convert that to pure data (preserving all the audio), then using those data it can make a new cleaner digital signal to send to the streamer. This new signal can have cleaner digital edges, less background electrical noise and better timing than the signal that the switch received.

so, in theory, if we connect 100 cisco switches together, the sound will be cleaner than with one or two? you will laugh i guess, but i tried an extended theory of your above post. Without being completely serious howeverā€¦

I wonder which cable Naim is using for testini, 10$ stuff or a 1000$ one?

Sometimes i wish an Engineer from Naim to come and shed some Naim prespective Light on never ending issues such as Ć¼ber expensive ethernet cables? Ä°s it a fact or fiction?

Okay - Iā€™ll buy that (I think).

Iā€™d still be amazed if that final ethernet cable from the switch to the streamer touching a wall in one or more places has any audible impact whatsoever on sound quality.

Iā€™ve seen what Naim use, my ā€˜visual cost estimateā€™ is closer to $10


Seems like you have a touch of that rare condition called Arachnophobia Audiophilia. Can be serious but treatable by lying quietly in a darkened room. If that fails, then it is the men in white coats I am afraid.

Get well soon my French friend.

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on the contrary Nigel, i saw the spider walking on the ethernet cable and it didnā€™t affect the sound for me.
However in reality i hate spiders and kill them unfortunately. I would prefer to move them gently outside the house, but too hard for me.

:small_blue_diamond:@Hmack,.Try it yourself,.thatā€™s the only way to get answers.

But think about what @Darkebear said,.this applies to harsh ehternet/streaming cables like Audioquest Diamond,Vodka etc.
Softer cables can produce a different effect.

Also worth thinking about,.everything in the music-system depends on each other.
If you have a good,.optimal installation of your music-system you can hear this difference.

Have you botched and have a worse installation,.then you may not hear this.

Everything in the system depends on each otherā€™s optimisation.
There are many wise advice here,.of people who have tried,listened and tested.
So dare to try it for yourself.
We are all here to learn from each other,.better to try once too much than the opposite.

Do you not hear any difference on what Darkebear writes about here,.so it may be due to your systemā€¦Not on Darkebearā€™s advice.
Then it might be time to do a maintenance,.and optimize the music-system.


FR, the fact you listened for any change in SQ as the spider crawled over your cables, is a sure sign of Arachnophobia Audiophilia. Trust me.

Now go and lie down in a darkened room until such anxieties pass.

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Iā€™ve seen reports on this forum of Naim using a cheap patch lead at one demo and an expensive audiophile type cable (I forget which one) at another demo.

One of the demos was at Moorgate Acoustics IIRC - maybe the other was at a show in Bristol?

so they do not seem to have a fixed policy.

It was not real since the beginningā€¦just a french weird jokeā€¦

So where in a hifi system are SFPs most effective, and how might they work?
Do you use them to break the flow of electrical noise along copper cables?

SFP would plug into your switch allowing a fibre connection.
See my post 482 which will tell you how I have implemented one. The way I did it isnt the only way they can be used.

Dont worry rembtandt, your reputation is saved.

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Reallyā€¦? :astonished:

Part of British humour is to keep a straight face and donā€™t let on you are kidding. This is why I tend not to use emojis.

Your British humour is improving though FR.


Ahaā€¦ you have nearly touched on something that I predict will become the one of the next obsessions in digital audiophilia ā€¦ :wink:

Simon, if you remember we discussed this months ago when I first decided to give it a go. :joy:

SFPs are special ports on switches and routers that can accept SFP transceivers. These transceivers can be for twisted pair or fibre, and are often used where more flexibility is required in connectivity.
So right now there is no advantage, as most consumer switches accept RJ45 twisted pair type connections and that is what Naim use.
However in the future if Naim used SFP connections, then a user could opt to use fibre instead of twisted pair to their streamer, by using fibre SFP transceivers that can connect into these ports, or simply stick with Cat cables by using a twisted pair SFPā€¦
You would run this fibre link ideally between switch and streamerā€¦ and one would remove a lot of the noise shaping aspects that are filling this thread.

I mentioned this to a few principal Naim designers just prior to the launch of the new streamersā€¦ I wonder if the idea is gestatingā€¦ as it certainly would address many of the ideals Naim are after in terms of electrical decouplingā€¦

Perhaps we will see the use of SFP transceiver modules in a future Statement streamerā€¦


Your question intrigued me so I checked the size and actually you are right they are both 75 which means around 92.
I have to say that the cable has further positively developed. The difference in forwardness between the Vodka and the Diamond has reduced, while the benefits stayed. So it becomes more and more interesting.
It also shows that this cable needs more hours to get up to speed, while I ask myself if I would now have the Chord Music for the same time would it get further ahead of the Diamond, or would the difference between the Diamond and the Chord Music further shrinkā€¦

We will never know as you only could tell with long term testing.