Ethernet Switch and Cables Mania

So likely another grand so add in a chord music and you can spend nearly 10k on network gear just for listening. This hobby has really just gone to far.


there is no endā€¦

here the 4 k telegartner m12 gold switch

Itā€™s not the hobby but the hobbyistsā€¦ I have My NAS hooked up to my Asus WiFi router. Itā€™s hooked up to Motorola Docsis 3 modem. All of it is in the TV room next to the Kitchen/ family room. I send WiFi about 8 meters to my Auralic Aries G1, it sounds great. My hearing at 60 yrs , plus a few rounds of Chemo and Radiation is a bit roughšŸø but interesting my brain fills in the gaps a bit. I know what sounds good and what doesnā€™t, to me. A little sip, feet up. Lifeā€™s to short too get nuts about everything. Enjoy some tunes.


The latter.


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I do not know who wrote that John, but in my opinion there is a serious credibility problem, because itā€™s a nonesence.
There is no ā€˜heavy trafficā€™ from Roonā€¦ just regular update messages like possible with some UPnP and client apps, like with Naimā€¦ the traffic on such systems is benignā€¦
When I examined the network performance in a transfer over a period of tine there was no great difference between UPnP and Roon, and the actual media transfer was the same.
Also there is no ā€˜compromisingā€™ of the data as it comes over the internet from ā€˜distantā€™ servers ā€¦ again that is quite easily to validate for yourself.
I am beginning to think we need a system of ā€˜fake newsā€™ flag on some of these ridiculous statements.

I guess I am sensitised as I work professionally very closely in this area, and seeing such assertions riles meā€¦ because I am sure that some, with no real understanding of what is being discussed, might read such statements and unfortunately actually believe them.

I guess thatā€™s how myths of dragons and fairies startedā€¦ Iā€™d love to meet the author face to face and try and understand their motivation was for writing such thingsā€¦assuming itā€™s not all about hood winking.


ā€¦ and the cable cmpys marketing garbage will be a good place to start


I refer the honourable ladies and gentlemen to the point I made many posts ago. :joy::joy::joy:


Take control back of your ethernet !!!


:small_blue_diamond:Excessive marketing occurs all the time,.in all industries.
Nothing to get upset about.

ā€¢ As usual,.borrow home,testā€¦Better-Worse.

It is always the best,.regardless of technical theories or technical specifications.



Yes, but itā€™s illegal in the UK to make false claims and as @TiberioMagadino says itā€™s one for the ASA.


Agreed. Its all well & good to listen yourself & make a decision on what you hear on your own system, but the information these people publish needs to be factual, & in many cases it isnā€™t. Itā€™s marketing hype with bollocks attached, smoke & mirrors with liberal lashings of arctic viper oil set out in poetic prose. Problem is the gullible get fooled by these words of wonder & buy this stuffā€¦
Maybe as such it would not be of interest to Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) as the offenders are not publishing something that is incorrect. However, they found against Chord over their ā€˜ethernetā€™ cables (because it wasnā€™t ethernet) & Russ Andrews over their power cables that improved sound quality (which it doesnā€™t).

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Well thank God you guys are around, for a moment there I almost thought I was an adult!

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I have been running my Aqvox SE switch for a few weeks now ā€¦ and the strangest thing - I thought I was imaging it - but the bass performance has improved quite markedly over time - I have gone over a load of familiar tracks ā€¦ and it is apparent on them all. The start/stop and texture is greatly improvedā€¦ the little pmc speakers are nothing short of staggeringā€¦it has taken around 2 weeks to fully blossomā€¦ for me this switch in my system has been a revelation - a great upgrade.

Not really, marketing is a professional discipline; it is not about writing nonsensical sales collateralā€¦ which at best is simply misleadingā€¦ that belongs at the car boot sales.


I stand corrected. ;-(
Am I getting mixed up or thinking of another case ā€¦
ā€œā€¦ the ASA had ruled against the company following a similar anonymous complaintā€
Iā€™m on the move at the mo & canā€™t search www without loosing connection. Iā€™ll have a look later when home

PS: I have it - www The Registry Jan 2011
The Advertising Standards Authority has slapped hi-kit supplier Russ Andrews for claiming its super-duper mains cables could reduce radio interference on the power line.

According to the the company, its PowerKords reduce noise in the mains supply because they are wrapped up in woven conductors, enabling the company to charge more than a grand (Ā£1,250) for what we would know as a kettle cable. The ASA disagreed, and upheld complaints that radio-induced interference in the mains supply isnā€™t a perceptible problem, and that even if it was, the PowerKord couldnā€™t reduce it.

Russ Andrews provided a host of anecdotal evidence, and one study, claiming that radio interference was a real problem, but undermined that argument by accepting that it was also a matter of opinion. Considering that combination, the ASA ruled that the effect was not proven, although it was implied to have been by the advertising. ā€¦ more (search www)

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You may have been thinking of the complaint to the ASA against Naim for claims about the Powerline in an advert, which were upheld.

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For the avoidance of doubt RFI is a real issue and there are compliances against itā€¦ technically itā€™s called electromagnetic disturbances, and the ENV compliance standards address itā€¦including impacts to the performance of other equipment.
So I suspect what ever the whyā€™s and where for of the Russ Andrews case itā€™s about how the sales collateral was presented and perhaps what implied or claimedā€¦

there are the marketing speech and the real work of engineers behind the products, like the chord ethernet or melco switch .
There is a lot of blabla in the marketing speeches, but it isnā€™t a reason to conclude that the product is snake oil.
I bought recently the melco nas and found the improvement substantial vs the unitserve / linear ps.
The persons who make the speech are not the same as the engineers.

it shouldnā€™t be but itā€™s the case for mostā€¦it doesnā€™t stop me however to test the product and buy it if i enjoy it.

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If ā€˜engineersā€™ have genuinely developed a product that has real world improvements to demonstrate, then they should demonstrate them and be subject to scrutiny.

If Melco/Buffalo have developed a switch the makes a difference then show us the measurements and justify the high cost (no doubt) of this product.

Alternatively sell it as ā€˜a nice looking switch for the audiophileā€™ and cut out the BS.