EtherRegen vs EE?

Sounds like a problem :grin: Flushing all the MAC address table, shouldn’t happen.

I’m a little rusty on that, so correct if I’m wrong. But every time the switch detects traffic from a MAC address that is in its switching table, it should update the timestamp of that MAC address. Clearing all the table shouldn’t happen, unless it’s a managed switch and it’s done manually.

Indeed, but was hypothesising it was related to that… as that is the only thing a basic switch does with Ethernet traffic… and the forwarding table even if gets cleared or an entry times out, will get repopulated using ARP… with a cost of a few 10’s mS delay.
But as you say it doesnt make sense… let’s see if we get any more info.
I wonder if some metaphorical wires have been crossed.

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Odd, mine has been in my network since Nov '19 without a single issue and where before the NDS would occassionally ‘loose’ network connection and need to be rebooted, before it either initiate a stream or receive a stream (depending on whether the Naim App or Roon was being used), there has been none of that.

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Mine are also fine. Occasionally one or the other would have a hissy fit when I was comparing a sackload of cables and need to be powered down, but when just working they carry on just working…

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Basically, on the EtherRegen, there is one A port on one side of the unit, and four B ports on the other. You want to connect your end point, in my case an NDX2, to the A port. This is the highest performance one. Other connected devices can use the other ports. There is some kind of essential communication that occurs between the A port and the B Ports on the EtherRegen. Apparently, some things can cause this communication to become unstable. e.g. type of router used, distance to router and type/length of cabling used, and the Roon server and software, which have their own peculiarities. In my case, the EtherRegen would work fine for a few days and then drop, i.e. the Naim app and Roon could not find the NDX2 on my network. Re-booting the EtherRegen, or plugging the Naim into to a B port, would restore things, but I don’t want to live like that. Alex from Uptone went into far more detail on why this may be happening, but that’s the gist of it as I understand it. Again, good service from Uptone Audio and the unit definitely has sonic benefits.

This sounds like a firmware update is on its way :face_with_monocle:

Ok… normally prioritisation is done on multiple queues… with each queue having a different emptying priority… so sounds a bizarre description of what is causing it… as that would suggest the switch is highly unstable which I doubt it is… as suggested it sounds like a firmware update is due… assuming it can be upgraded.
There is no peculiarity with Roon or UPnP, they don’t use DSCP… so the switch knows no difference… Yes Roon and UPnP use multicast groups, and we know these switches don’t handle multicast and IGMP, but they should simply re broadcast out … and they must do or the Naim app wouldnt work over the switch… but your description suggests there might be a firmware issue where this functionality stops due to a software bug in the switch after a period of time in certain conditions.

It does raise some nagging quality issues though… how does one upgrade the firmware? Can the user do it or does have to go back to the factory?

The user can do it. There was an update early in the history of the unit.

There is micro-USB inside the unit to apply firmware upgrades, if required.
There was an initial update to solve a Energy Efficient Ethernet that was a result of an incorrect implementation note from a device provider. But there hasn’t been a release since, and hundreds of devices shipped and implemented.

Again not a networking problem in 9 months of usage, including daily use since mid-March, as I have gone nowhere in this time!

Then it is curious the discussion from @joc6812. Can you get debug or logging from the micro USB connector do you know?

Not that I am aware. You have to remove the unit from its installation, then open the case to get to the board, to connect to the PC to apply the update, which I think was designed to be flashed as final production stage before final assembly and packaged for shipping.

No need to do something in this case as @joc6812 has discussed at length with Alex, and he cannot diagnosed anything, so nothing is wrong with the ER from the manufacturer’s POV.

The manufacturer conceded that in some installations these problems can and do occur. They usually right themselves over time as networks and software somehow learn to get along. I didn’t want the bother. Most with these units will likely never have this problem. Again, the manufacturer stood by the product. He called to help, we performed all possible troubleshooting and it didn’t work out. He gladly offered to refund and I accepted.

Hi Simon

I’ll give the Cisco another try between the router and ER.

Why is your NDX2 away?

How are you linking Roon to your Hugo/552 via WiFi??

Why does it sound so good?


Hi my NDX2 is back from being repaired at Salisbury now.

With my NDX2 I have an Ethernet lead bailable so I use that. I had been using wifi on different transports waiting for my NDX2 to return.

Right now I am enjoying headphone playback and not using my 552. I using a pair of Meze Empyreans and am really enjoying music through them… currently driven by a Hugo 2 that I have borrowed, pending a loan TT2.

As others have reported benefits in cascading Cisco switches, I am wondering if there is a similar benefit in cascading ERs i.e. the re-clocking function.
Has anyone tried this, not necessarily with the ER but also other re-clockers?

I have tried it and use two. It’s not a massive value-for-money improvement, but makes a nice difference, increasing clarity, separation, air around instruments and a general sense of presence and ease. More of an enhancement than a night and day change, though. Getting a high-end Linear power supply makes a bigger difference in my opinion, but also costs a bit more.


After those all posts around …there is no conclusion yet which one is better ER or EE.

There won’t be until at least one person has tried both…